FTH(1) General Commands Manual FTH(1)

Forth script and extension language

fth [-DdQqrv] [-C so‐lib‐path] [-E eval] [-e eval] [-f init‐file] [-I fs‐path] [-Slib init”] [-s file] [file ...]

fth [-alnp] [-e eval] [-F fs] [-i[suffix]] [file ...]

fth -V

This is the manual page for the interactive and script processing Forth interpreter fth based on John Sadler's Ficl, Forth-inspired command language. This manual page provides information for running and programming fth in a UNIX command line environment, see libfth(3) for Forth as an extension language.

The fth interpreter can also be used as a command line filter and process files in-place. The options -a, -e, -i, -l, -n, -p and in addition -F are provided for this purpose, see EXAMPLES below.

Starts an implicit loop action on standard input or files given on command line and splits every line to array *farray* and sets single fields of the line to corresponding *1* ... *9* variables before processing -e eval. The split string is the field separator *fs*, default a space. Can be combined with -n, -p and in-place option -i[suffix]. See also options -F and -l.
Adds path to the front of *load‐lib‐path* where C extension libraries (*.so) reside, multiple calls are possible.
Shows backtrace and exits with return code 1 (EXIT_FAILURE) if an exception was found while evaluating the initialization file, running a script, loading additional source files, or evaluating strings from the command line.

Sets global variable *fth‐debug* to #t.
Evaluates eval and stays in an interactive read-eval-print-loop. Multiple calls are possible, see also -e.
Evaluates eval and exits. Multiple calls are possible. The last or only -e eval can be considered between

lambda: ( -- ) eval ;

and is in compile state! If multiple calls appear, all but the last are in interpret state.

For example, the following renames config.h to config.h.orig and reads it line by line. If a line occurs containing


replaces entire line with


otherwise writes the original line to config.h. The first -e sets the global Forth variable reg to a regexp object, the second -e uses this variable for testing. The eval of the first -e is evaluated in interpret state before reading the file while the eval of the second -e is evaluated in compile state in a nameless lambda: (--) eval ; word while reading the file line by line:

% fth -ni.orig                                   \
    -e '/#define HAVE_COMPLEX_DOUBLE/ value reg' \
    -e 'reg *line* re= if                        \
            "/* #undef HAVE_COMPLEX_DOUBLE */\n" \
        else                                     \
            *line*                               \
        then' config.h
Sets the global variable *fs* to the field separator fs used by option -a. See also implicit loop and in-place options -i, -l, -n and -p.
Takes initialization file instead of ~/.fthrc. Use -Q to prevent loading initialization files.

Adds path to the front of *load‐path* where Forth script files (*.fs) reside, multiple calls are possible.
Starts an implicit loop action on files given on command line and processes -e eval on each line in-place. If no suffix was specified, writes to the same file after processing, otherwise copies original to the backup file before reading it. See option -e above for an example and see also implicit loop options -a, -F, -l, -n -p. Note: There are no spaces allowed between -i and suffix if suffix was specified!
Removes line ending ‘\n’ when used with implicit loop options -n, -p and in-place option -i[suffix]. See also options -a and -F.
Starts an implicit loop action on standard input or files given on command line and processes -e eval on each line while not echoing every *line* to standard output. See also implicit loop and in-place options -a, -F, -i, -l and -p.
Starts an implicit loop action on standard input or files given on command line and processes -e eval on each line while echoing every *line* unaltered to standard output. See also implicit loop and in-place options -a, -F, -i, -l and -n.
The global and local initialization files are not loaded.
Sets global variable *fth‐verbose* to #f.
Starts a conventional Forth-like session with the data stack left untouched after pressing ⟨Return⟩. Normally the data stack is printed and cleared but -r changes this behavior to something like a read‐eval‐loop instead of a read‐eval‐print‐loop.
lib init
Loads C extension library lib and calls the initialization function init. lib and init must be enclosed in quotes.

-S "dbm Init_dbm"

Multiple calls are possible.

Evaluates file as a Forth script and exits after processing. No initialization file is read and the global Forth variables *argc* and *argv* are set and filled with the count and command line options appearing after -s file. This must be the last option given to the fth interpreter. Options after that are taken as script options and can be used for getopt processing in the script. This makes it possible to create hash bang scripts with a first line like

#! /usr/pkg/bin/fth -s

Note the space after #!. It's a Forth word starting a comment and must be separated by at least one space.

% cat hello-world.fth
#! /usr/pkg/bin/fth -s
·" Hello, World!" cr
Displays version information and exits.
Sets global variable *fth‐verbose* to #t.
file ...
file ... will be loaded as Forth source file, more than one can be present. If file is ‘-’, reads from standard input, see EXAMPLES below.

The documentation shows the stack effect of words in this way:

( a b c -- d )

The left side of the double dash shows the stack required by the word, the ride side shows what the word left on stack. One or both sides may be empty.

( -- )
( a -- )
( -- a )

Parse words have the following kind of stack effect:

( "name" -- )

Parse words read their input from the input stream in contrary to regular words which expect their input on stack; "name" is expected after the word. As a parse word example, fth has

help ( "name" -- )

which is used like

help apropos

This word takes its arguments from the input stream, in this case apropos, and tries to find its help strings, which are returned if found.

There is another kind of words, so called procs (see in subsection Procs And Xts, word <{), they may show a slightly different stack effect because they can have keyword and optional arguments and may look like this:

( :key host "localhost" :optional port 13 -- str )

Local variables are automatically defined, host is set to string "localhost" and port to integer 13, the return value of this example is a string object. You may specify these with :host "pumpkin" and :port 79 before calling the word. For example, ${prefix}/share/fth/fth-lib/net.fs contains

finger ( :key host "localhost" :optional user getlogin -- str )

which can be used in either of these forms:

finger \ default values for host and user
"yorick" finger \ default value for host
:host "pumpkin" finger \ default value for user
"yorick" :host "pumpkin" finger

Entire current input line when implicit loop and in-place processing takes place.
*1* ... *9*
If -a was specified when implicit loop and in-place processing takes place, these are the corresponding first nine single elements of *farray*.
Prints entire current input line when implicit loop and in-place processing takes place.
.*1* ... .*9*
If -a was specified when implicit loop and in-place processing takes place, prints the corresponding single elements of *farray* with the string of *ofs* attached, default a single space.
Number of arguments in *argv*.
List of command line arguments.
Array containing all exceptions.
If -a was specified when implicit loop and in-place processing takes place, auto-split array of current input line.
Array containing all features.
Returns currently processed Forth filename, see also *lineno*.
Current filename for implicit loop and in-place processing.
Input record number for implicit loop and in-place processing. This is the line number in the current file, starting from 0 for every file.
Input field separator for implicit loop and in-place processing, default one space.
If #t, displays more diagnostic output.
If #t, displays more output.
Contains current value from any object in map ... end-map loops.
Contains last raised exception.
String of entire current line for implicit loop and in-place processing.
Returns currently processed line number in current Forth file, see also *filename*.
Array of directories where fth searches for C extension libraries (*.so).
Array of directories where fth searches for Forth script files (*.fs).
Array of already loaded files.
Input record number for implicit loop and in-place processing. This is the accumulated line number for all files processed so far.
Output field separator for implicit loop and in-place processing, default one space.
Array containing the last regexp match.
Regexp syntax option, default REG_EXTENDED.
Last entire match of regexp search.
*re1* ... *re9*
Last subexpression matches of regexp search.

fth calls five hooks if they are not empty: before and after loading source files and in interactive mode before starting and after ending the repl as well as every time before showing the prompt.
( filename -- f )
Called before loading filename. If hook returns #f, filename won't be loaded.
before-load-hook lambda: <{ fname -- f }>
        "\\ loading %s\n" #( fname ) fth-print
; add-hook!
( filename -- )
Called after loading filename and updating global variable *loaded-files*.
after-load-hook lambda: <{ fname -- }>
        "\\ %s loaded\n" #( fname ) fth-print
; add-hook!
( -- )
Called after initializing the tecla(7) command-line editing library but before starting the repl. A predefined hook showing some help lines can be replaced by your own message:
before-repl-hook reset-hook!
before-repl-hook lambda: <{ -- }>
        ." \" cr
        ." \ Starting FTH on " date .string ." !" cr
        ." \" cr
; add-hook!
( history -- )
Called after leaving the repl and writing the history file but before leaving the program. Its only argument is the history filename. You may manipulate the history data entries. One history entry consists of two lines: a time stamp preceded by a Forth comment backslash and the actual history line:
\ 20201116031253 0
"mail" .getservbyname
after-repl-hook lambda: <{ history -- }>
        \ Remove duplicates from history file.
        history readlines array-reverse! { hary }
        #() "" "" { nhary hline tline }
        hary array-length 0 ?do
                hary i    array-ref to hline
                hary i 1+ array-ref to tline
                nhary hline array-member? unless
                        nhary hline array-unshift
                            tline array-unshift drop
        2 +loop
        history nhary writelines
; add-hook!
( prompt pos -- new-prompt )
Called before printing a new prompt to customize the output of it. prompt is the old prompt and pos the current history position. The return value is the prompt argument for the next hook procedure if any:
before-prompt-hook lambda: <{ prompt pos -- new-prompt }>
        "fth (%d) ok " '( pos ) string-format
; add-hook!

Or with standout and bold mode, see gl_prompt_style(3) and Tecla Variables below for *promptstyle*:

#t to *promptstyle*
before-prompt-hook lambda: <{ prompt pos -- new-prompt }>
        "%%Sfth (%d)%%s %%Bok%%b " '( pos ) string-format
; add-hook!

Command-line editing similar to tcsh(1) is handled by the tecla(7) library if installed. Predefined bindings exist for those similar to vi(1) and emacs(1). The default editing mode is emacs-mode. You can switch from emacs-mode to vi-mode via M-^V and from vi-mode to emacs-mode via M-^E. To start in vi-mode, put a line like

edit-mode vi

in your ~/.teclarc file. A history of the last command-lines can be listed with ^Xh, the last 10 history entries can be listed with M-10^Xh. The Tab-key or ^I initiates word completion. If the Forth dictionary has more than one entry starting with characters before the cursor, show all, if only one definition exists, completes it and adds a space after the completed word. If the Forth dictionary has no entries starting with the characters before the cursor, try filename completion. For complete key listings and function descriptions, see tecla(7).

If the first character of the command-line is an exclamation point ‘!’, history expansion similar to csh(1) takes place:

Repeats event 123.
Repeats 123rd last event.
Repeats last event (same as !-1).
Repeats last event starting with str
Repeats last event containing str; the last ? is optional.

If the first character of the command-line is a caret ‘^’, history substitution similar to csh(1) takes place:

Repeats last event containing search and replace this string with replace; the last ^ is optional.

These variables can be set in the initialization file ~/.fthrc.
If set to gl-all, only unique history events are entered in the history list. If set to gl-prev and the last history event is the same as the current, the current command is not entered. If not defined (undef, the default), all history events are entered.
This is the pathname where history is going to be saved and restored. If not set (the default), the shell environment variable FTH_HISTORY or, if not set, ~/.fth-history is used.
This is the size of the history file. If not set (the default), the shell environment variable FTH_HISTORY_LENGTH or, if not set, 100 is used.
If #t, saves history events in the history file, default #t.
If #t, enables special formatting directives within the prompt, see gl_prompt_style(3), default #f.

Bindings can be set in ~/.fthrc to control tecla(7) and gl_get_line(3).
( :optional key action -- )
This word can have no, one or two arguments on stack.
( -- )
Shows user-defined bindings.
( key -- )
If key is a string, takes it as configure string. The string may contain more than one settings; they have to be separated by a literal '\n'.

The following sets edit-mode to vi and nobeep:

"edit-mode vi \n nobeep" bindkey

If key is a predefined constant, sets the specific value. The following constants are valid:

Sets edit-mode to vi.
Sets edit-mode to emacs.
Sets edit-mode to none.
Sets nobeep mode.

The following sets edit-mode to vi and nobeep with predefined constants:

gl-vi bindkey
gl-nobeep bindkey
( key action -- )
If key and action are strings, bind action to key.

"^G" "user-interrupt" bindkey

If key is a string and action is anything else, unbind key from last bind.

"^G" #f bindkey

See tecla(7) for bindings and actions.

( :optional action arg -- )
History events can be displayed, loaded, saved, added, and cleared where action is one of the following:

Adds event arg to history.
Clears all history events.
Loads history events from arg. If arg is nil or missing, *histfile* is used.
Saves history events to arg. If arg is nil or missing, *histfile* is used.
Returns a string of arg or all history events.
             history ⇒ returns entire history as string
gl-show      history ⇒ same as above
        10   history ⇒ returns 10 last history events
gl-show 10   history ⇒ same as above
gl-load      history ⇒ loads from *histfile*
gl-load nil  history ⇒ same as above
gl-load file history ⇒ loads from FILE
gl-save      history ⇒ saves to *histfile*
gl-save nil  history ⇒ same as above
gl-save file history ⇒ saves to FILE
gl-add  line history ⇒ adds LINE to history
gl-clear     history ⇒ clears entire history
( -- n)
Returns the current line number in history. history-next and history-prev go from this number.
( -- line)
Increments the current line number shown by history-lineno and returns that event.
( -- line)
Decrements the current line number shown by history-lineno and returns that event.

Forth has loop constructs for compile state and interpret state. In addition to the usual (?)do ... (+)loop, begin ... again, begin ... until, and begin ... while ... repeat, fth provides each ... end-each and map ... end-map loops for arrays and similar objects.

( -- ) compile-only
( -- ) compile-only
The endless loop. Repeats body between begin and again over and over again. Press ^C to stop the endless loop.
        dup . 1+

( -- ) compile-only
( f -- ) compile-only
( -- ) compile-only
As long as flag f is #t, repeats body between while and repeat and starts over after begin for the next test.
"test.file" io-open-read { io }
        io io-eof? not
        io io-gets fth-print
io io-close

( -- ) compile-only
( f -- ) compile-only
Repeats body between begin and until as long as flag f is #f.
"localhost" :port 79 io-nopen { io }
io "mike\n" io-puts
        io io-gets fth-print
        io io-eof?
io io-close

( limit start -- ) compile-only
( limit start -- ) compile-only
( -- ) compile-only
Runs loop from start up to but not including limit. ?do starts only if limit is greater than start.
3 0 do  i .  loop ⇒ 0 1 2

( obj -- val ) compile-only
( -- ) compile-only
Pushes each element of obj in order on stack and repeats execution of body.
#( 0 1 2 ) each  .  end-each ⇒ 0 1 2

( obj -- ) compile-only
( obj -- ) compile-only
( -- obj ) compile-only
Sets each element of obj in order to global variable *key* and repeats execution of body. The top of stack before end-map is set as new current value of obj.
#( 0 1 2 ) value a1
a1 map   i *key* +  end-map ⇒ #( 0 2 4 ) \ a copy of a1
a1 .$ ⇒ #( 0 1 2 )
a1 map!  i *key* +  end-map ⇒ #( 0 2 4 ) \ a1 has changed
a1 .$ ⇒ #( 0 2 4 )

Interpret state loops for use outside word definitions in scripts or in the repl work like their compile state cousins above. The body of the following [do] ... [loop], [each] ... [end-each] and [map] ... [end-map] is in compile state, loop indexes i, j, k and leave etc can be used like in colon definitions.

( limit start -- )
( -- )
3 0 [do]  i .  [loop] ⇒ 0 1 2

( obj -- val )
( -- )
#( 0 1 2 ) [each]  .  [end-each] ⇒ 0 1 2

( obj -- )
( obj -- )
( -- obj )
#( 0 1 2 ) value a1
a1 [map]   i *key* +  [end-map] ⇒ #( 0 2 4 ) \ a copy of a1
a1 .$ ⇒ #( 0 1 2 )
a1 [map!]  i *key* +  [end-map] ⇒ #( 0 2 4 ) \ a1 has changed
a1 .$ ⇒ #( 0 2 4 )

( -- ary )
Returns empty array for array-append, array-push etc.
( ary -- )
Prints array object ary to current output.
( ary1 -- ary2 )
Returns copy of ary1 only with references of each element in contrast to array-copy. If ary1 is not an array, returns #( ary1 ).
#( 0 #{ 'foo 10 } 2 ) value ary1
ary1 array->array value ary2
ary1 1 array-ref 'foo 30 hash-set!
ary1 ⇒ #( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )
ary2 ⇒ #( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )
( ary -- lst )
Returns copy of ary as list only with references of each element in contrast to array-copy. If ary is not an array, returns '( ary ).
#( 0 #{ 'foo 10 } 2 ) value ary
ary array->list value lst
ary 1 array-ref 'foo 30 hash-set!
lst ⇒ '( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )
ary ⇒ #( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )
( ary1 ary2 -- ary1+ary2 )
Appends two arrays and returns new one. If ary2 is not an array, appends it as a single element.
#( 0 1 2 ) #( 3 4 ) array-append ⇒ #( 0 1 2 3 4 )
#( 0 1 2 ) 10 array-append ⇒ #( 0 1 2 10 )
( ary -- )
Clears array and sets all elements to #f.
( ary1 -- ary2 ) array-compact!
Removes all nil elements. array-compact! changes the original array contents.
( vals len -- ary ) alias: >array
Returns array object with len objects found on parameter stack. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0.
( ary1 -- ary2 )
Returns copy of ary1 with all elements new created in contrast to array->array.
#( 0 #{ 'foo 10 } 2 ) value ary1
ary1 array-copy value ary2
ary1 1 array-ref 'foo 30 hash-set!
ary1 ⇒ #( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )
ary2 ⇒ #( 0 #{ 'foo 10 } 2 )
( ary idx -- val )
Deletes and returns one element from ary at position idx. Negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if idx is not in ary's range.
( ary key -- val )
Deletes and returns key from ary if found.
( ary val -- )
Sets all elements of ary to val.
( ary key -- key )
Returns key if key exists in ary.
( ary key -- idx )
Returns index of key in ary or -1 if not found.
( ary idx val -- ary2 ) array-insert!
Inserts val to ary at position idx and returns array. val can be an array or any other object. Negative idx counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if idx is not in ary1's range. array-insert! changes the original array contents.
( ary sep -- str )
Returns string with all elements of ary converted to their string representation and joined together separated by sep. If sep is not a string, a space will be used as separator.
#( 0 1 2 ) "--" array-join ⇒ "0--1--2"
#( 0 1 2 ) nil array-join ⇒ "0 1 2"
( obj -- len )
Returns length if obj is an array object, otherwise -1.
( ary key -- f )
Returns #t if key exists in ary.
( ary -- val )
Removes and returns last element from ary. If ary is empty, returns #f.
( ary val -- ary' )
Appends val to ary.
#( 0 1 2 ) 10 array-push ⇒ #( 0 1 2 10 )
( ary idx -- val )
Returns element at position idx. Negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if index is not in ary's range.
( ary1 proc-or-xt args -- ary2 ) array-reject!
Calls proc-or-xt with the current array element as first arg and the rest from args, an array of zero or more proc arguments. The length of args + 1 is the required arity of proc-or-xt. Returns array with elements where proc-or-xt results in anything false (#f, nil, or 0). array-reject! changes the original array contents. In the example n1 corresponds to the current array element and n2 comes from args, here 2.
#( 0 1 2 3 4 ) lambda: <{ n1 n2 -- f }>
        n1 n2 >
; #( 2 ) array-reject ⇒ #( 0 1 2 )

The same a bit shorter:

#( 0 1 2 3 4 ) <'> > #( 2 ) array-reject ⇒ #( 0 1 2 )
( ary1 -- ary2 ) array-reverse!
Returns array with elements reversed. array-reverse! changes the original array contents.
( ary idx val -- )
Stores val at position idx. Negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if index is not in ary's range.
( ary -- val )
Removes and returns first element from ary. If ary is empty, returns #f.
( ary1 proc-or-xt -- ary2 ) array-sort!
Returns sorted array. proc-or-xt compares two elements A and B and should return a negative integer if A < B, 0 if A == B, and a positive integer if A > B. Raises bad-arity exception if proc-or-xt doesn't take two arguments. array-sort! changes the original array contents.
#( 2 1 0 ) lambda: <{ a b -- f }>
        a b < if
                a b > if
; array-sort ⇒ #( 0 1 2 )
( ary start end -- subary )
Returns array built from ary beginning with index start up to but excluding index end. If end is nil, up to end of array will be returned. Negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if start is not in ary's range.
#( 0 1 2 3 4 ) 2 4 array-subarray ⇒ #( 2 3 )
#( 0 1 2 3 4 ) -3 -1 array-subarray ⇒ #( 2 3 4 )
#( 0 1 2 3 4 ) -3 nil array-subarray ⇒ #( 2 3 4 )
( ary1 -- ary2 ) array-uniq!
Returns array without duplicated elements. array-uniq! changes the original array contents.
( ary val -- ary' )
Ads val to the front of ary.
#( 0 1 2 ) 10 array-unshift ⇒ #( 10 0 1 2 )
( ary1 ary2 -- f )
Returns #t if ary1 and ary2 are array objects of same length and contents.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an array object.
( len :key initial-element -- ary )
Returns array of length len filled with keyword INITIAL-ELEMENT's values. initial-element defaults to nil if not specified. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0.

( vals len -- ary )
Returns assoc array object with len / 2 key-value pairs found on parameter stack. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0 or not even.
( ass key -- ret )
If key matches, returns corresponding key-value pair.
( ass key -- val )
If key matches, returns corresponding value.
( ass key -- 'ass )
If key matches, removes key-value pair from ass.
( ass key val -- 'ass )
If key matches, sets key-value pair, otherwise adds new pair.
( ass key val -- 'ass )
Builds sorted assoc array. ass must be an assoc array or an empty array #().
#() value ass
ass 'a 10 assoc ⇒ #a( '( 'a . 10 ) )
ass 'b 20 assoc ⇒ #a( '( 'a . 10 ) '( 'b . 20 ) )
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an assoc array object.

( -- lst )
Returns empty list.

( lst -- )
Prints list object lst to current output.

( vals len -- lst )
Returns list object with len objects found on parameter stack. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0.

( lst -- val )
( lst -- val )
( lst -- val )
( lst -- val )
First, second, third, or fourth element of lst or nil if list is shorter.

( lst -- val )
( lst -- val )
Rest, the cdr or cddr, of lst without first or first and second element.

( val lst1 -- lst2 )
( val1 val2 lst1 -- lst2 )
Returns Lisp-like cons pointer with val as car and list as cdr or val1 as car, val2 as cadr and lst1 as cddr.

( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a cons pointer.

( lst -- lp )
Returns last pair of lst.
'( 0 1 2 3 ) last-pair ⇒ '( 3 )

( lst -- ary )
Returns copy of lst as array only with references of each element in contrast to list-copy. If lst is not a cons pointer, returns #( lst ).
'( 0 #{ 'foo 10 } 2 ) value lst1
lst1 list->array value ary2
lst1 1 list-ref 'foo 30 hash-set!
lst1 ⇒ '( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )
ary2 ⇒ #( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )

( arg0 arg1 ... argn n -- lst )
Returns list object with n objects found on parameter stack. Raises out-of-range exception if n < 0.

( lst1 -- ary2 )
Returns copy of lst1 with all elements new created in contrast to list->array.
'( 0 #{ 'foo 10 } 2 ) value lst1
lst1 list-copy value lst2
lst1 1 list-ref 'foo 30 hash-set!
lst1 ⇒ '( 0 #{ 'foo 30 } 2 )
lst2 ⇒ '( 0 #{ 'foo 10 } 2 )

( lst1 key -- lst2 ) list-delete!
Returns list without all elements equal key. list-delete! changes the original list contents.

( lst val -- lst' )
Sets all elements of lst to val.

( lst1 idx -- lst2 )
Returns first idx entries of lst1 as new list or nil.

( lst key -- idx )
Returns index of key in lst or -1 if not found.

( lst1 idx val -- lst2 )
Returns new list with val inserted to lst1 at position idx. val can be a list or any other object. Negative idx counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if idx is not in lst1's range.

( obj -- len )
Returns length if obj is a list (nil or cons pointer), otherwise -1.

( lst key -- f )
Returns #t if key exists in lst.

( lst idx -- val )
Returns element at position idx of lst. Negative idx counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if idx is not in lst's range.

( lst1 -- ary2 )
Returns new list with elements reversed.

( lst idx val -- )
Stores element val at position idx in lst. Negative idx counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if idx is not in lst's range.

( lst1 idx :key count 1 -- lst2 ) list-slice!
Returns list without count elements from idx on. Raises out-of-range exception if idx is not in lst1's range. list-slice! changes the original list contents.
#( 0 1 1 2 ) 1 :count 2 list-slice ⇒ #( 0 2 )

( lst1 idx -- lst2 )
Returns idx'th cdr of lst1 up to the last entry in a new list or nil.

( lst1 lst2 -- f )
Returns #t if lst1 and lst2 are list objects of same length and contents.

( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a list (nil or a cons pointer).

( len :key initial-element nil -- lst )
Returns list of length len filled with keyword initial-element's values. initial-element defaults to nil if not specified. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0.

( obj -- f )
( obj --f )
Returns #t if obj is nil.

( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a pair (a cons pointer).

( lst val -- lst' )
Sets val to car of lst.

( lst val -- lst' )
Sets val to cdr of lst.

( vals len -- alst )
Returns assoc list object with len / 2 key-value pairs found on parameter stack. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0 or not even.
( key val alst1 -- alst2 )
Returns new Lisp-like associated list from key-val pair and alst1.
( alst key -- ret )
If key matches, returns corresponding key-value pair.
( alst key -- val )
If key matches, returns corresponding value.
( alst key -- alst' )
If key matches, removes key-value pair from alst.
( alst key val -- alst' )
If key matches, sets key-value pair, otherwise adds new pair to alst.

Some of the following words take a mode argument which can be specified as an octal number. Put ‘0o’, this is number zero ‘0’ and lower letter ‘o’, before the number similar to ‘0x’ for hexadecimal numbers:
"foo" 0o755 file-mkdir
( name -- time )
If name is a file, returns last access time. One can convert the number in a readable string with time->string.
( name ext -- base )
Returns basename of file name depending on ext. ext may be #f, nil/undef, a string or a regexp. If ext is #f, returns filename without pathname. If ext is nil or undef, discards the part from the last dot to the end of basename name. If ext is a string or a regexp, discards found ext from basename name.
"/home/mike/cage.snd" #f file-basename ⇒ "cage.snd"
"/home/mike/cage.snd" nil file-basename ⇒ "cage"
"/home/mike/cage.snd" "nd" file-basename ⇒ "cage.s"
"/home/mike/cage.snd" /\.(snd|wave)$/ file-basename ⇒ "cage"
( path -- ) alias: chdir
Changes working directory to path and, if in a repl, prints new path to current standard output. If path is nil, changes working directory to HOME. path may contain ‘~’ as an abbreviation for home directory, see chdir(2).
( name mode -- )
Changes access mode of file name to mode, see chmod(2).
( path -- )
Changes root directory to path and, if in a repl, prints new path to current standard output. This word is restricted to the super-user, see chroot(2).
( src dst -- )
Copies file src to dst. If dst is a directory, copy src to dst/src. Raises system-error exception if fopen(3) fails on any of the two files.
( name -- time )
If name is a file, returns status change time. One can convert the number in a readable string with time->string.
( name -- )
If file name exists, deletes it, otherwise does nothing, see unlink(2).
( dir -- files-ary )
Returns an array with all files found in dir.
( name -- path )
Returns directory part of file name.
"/home/mike/cage.snd" file-dirname ⇒ "/home/mike"
( name -- )
Loads and evals contents of file name and adds name to *loaded-files* if it wasn't already there. It's similar to include except that name must be on stack (include is a parse word). With file-eval one can load files from within word definitions. Raises load-error exception if file-eval fails.
( name -- path )
Returns string with current working directory added in front of file name. If name starts with a slash, returns name unchanged.
( src dst mode -- f )
Installs src to dst with access mode if dst doesn't exist or if modification time of src is greater than dst's. If dst is a directory, installs src to dst/src. Returns #t if src could be installed.
: install-lib { src dst mode -- }
        src dst mode file-install if
                "%s --> %04o %s" '( src mode dst )
                "%s is up-to-date" '( dst )
        then  fth-print  cr
"libsndlib.so" "/usr/opt/lib/s7" 0o755 install-lib
( name -- len )
If name is a file, returns length in bytes.
( dir reg -- files-ary )
Returns an array of filenames in dir matching regexp reg.
( name mode -- )
Creates directory name with access mode, see mkdir(2).
( name mode -- )
Creates fifo file name with access mode, see mkfifo(2).
( name -- time )
If name is a file, returns last modification time. One can convert the number in a readable string with time->string.
( -- path )
Returns current working directory, see getcwd(3).
( name -- path )
If name starts with ‘~’, replace it with contents of environment variable HOME. If realpath(3) function exists, returns resolved path, otherwise returns name with ‘~’ replacement.
"~" file-realpath ⇒ "/home/mike"
"/usr/pkg" file-chdir ⇒ "/usr/pkg"
file-pwd ⇒ "/usr/pkg"
"../bin" file-realpath ⇒ "/usr/bin"
( src dst -- )
Renames src to dst, see rename(2).
( name -- )
Removes empty directory name, see rmdir(2).
( cmd -- str ) alias: shell
Opens a pipe for reading, feeds it with the shell command line cmd and collects string output from cmd as long as the pipe is open. Afterwards closes the pipe, sets read-only variable exit-status and returns collected string.
( name -- ary )
Splits file name in dirname and basename and returns the result in an array of two strings.
"/home/mike/cage.snd" file-split
  ⇒ #( "/home/mike" "cage.snd" )
( src dst -- )
Creates symlink from src to dst, see symlink(2).
( cmd -- f )
Executes shell command cmd. Sets the read-only variable exit-status and returns #t for success or #f if something went wrong. In the latter case you may check exit-status.
( name time -- )
Changes modification time of name to time. If time is nil, changes to current time.
\ set modification time an hour earlier
"main.c" current-time 3600 - file-touch
\ reset modification time to current time
"main.c" nil file-touch
( name size -- )
Changes name's length to size bytes, see truncate(2).

In addition to the Standard Forth Words open-file and close-file, here are the corresponding pipe words.
( addr u fam -- fp ior )
Opens a pipe with name and mode addr u fam and returns the file pointer fp and return code ior.
( fp -- ior )
Closes the file pointer fp and returns code ior.

This example reads from the shell command pwd(1) and prints the result to standard output:

256 constant max-line
create line-buffer max-line 2 + allot
s" pwd" r/o open-pipe throw value FP
line-buffer max-line FP read-line throw drop
    line-buffer swap type
FP close-pipe throw

The following words take a filename and return boolean #t or #f, the stack effect for each is ( name -- f ):

Block special file.
Character special file.
Executable file.
Existing file.
Named pipe.
Effective group id (gid).
Effective user id (uid).
Readable file.
Group id bit set (gid).
User id bit set (uid).
Sticky bit set.
Symbolic link.
Writable file.
Length is zero.

( hash -- )
Prints hash object to current output.
( vals len -- hash )
Takes len / 2 key-value pairs from parameter stack and returns hash object. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0 or len is not even.
'foo 0  'bar 1  4 >hash ⇒  #{ 'foo ⇒ 0  'bar ⇒ 1 }
( hash -- ass )
Returns array with #( key value ) pairs of hash's contents.
#{ 'foo 0 'bar 1 } hash->array
  ⇒ #( #( 'foo  0 ) #( 'bar  1 ) )
( hash -- )
Removes all entries from hash, hash's length becomes zero.
( hash1 -- hash2 )
Returns copy of hash1 using object-copy for all elements.
( hash key -- ary )
Deletes key-value pair associated with key and returns key-value array or #f if not found.
( hash proc-or-xt -- )
Runs proc-or-xt for each key-value pair. proc-or-xt's stack effect must be ( key value -- ).
#{ 'foo 0 'bar 1 } lambda: <{ key value -- }>
        "%s=%s\n" #( key value ) fth-print
; hash-each
( hash key -- ary )
Returns key-value array if key exists or #f if not found.
( hash -- keys )
Returns array of keys.
( obj -- len )
Returns length if obj is a hash object, otherwise -1.
( hash1 proc-or-xt -- hash2 )
Runs proc-or-xt for each key-value pair. proc-or-xt's stack effect must be ( key value -- val ) where val is the new value for key.
#{ 'foo 0 'bar 1 } lambda: <{ key val -- val }>
        val 10 +
; hash-map ⇒ #{ 'foo => 10  'bar => 11 }
( hash key -- f )
Returns #t if key exists.
( hash key -- value )
Returns associated value or #f if key was not found.
( hash key value -- )
Sets key-value pair of hash. If key exists, overwrites existing value, otherwise creates new key-value entry.
( hash -- values )
Returns array of values.
( obj1 obj2 -- f )
Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are hash objects with same length and contents.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a hash object.
( -- hash ) alias: #{}
Returns empty hash object.
( size -- hash )
Returns hash object with size key-value pairs. Keys are 0, 1, 2, ... and values are nil.

There exists a single global variable containing all added elements (properties), furthermore every object has its own property-slot (object-properties) as well as every word (word-properties) where key-value pairs can be added.

Usage of properties:

"hello" value obj
obj 'hey "joe" property-set!
obj 'hey property-ref ⇒ "joe"
obj 'joe property-ref ⇒ #f
obj      properties   ⇒ #{ 'hey => "joe" }
#f       properties   ⇒ #{ "hello" => #{ 'hey => "joe" } }
( obj -- props )
Returns obj's global properties or #f if empty. If obj is #f, returns entire global property object.
( obj key -- val )
Returns obj's global property val associated with key or #f if not found.
( obj key val -- )
Sets key-value pair to obj's global property object. If key already exists, overwrites old value.

Usage of object-properties:

"hello" value obj
obj 'hey "joe" object-property-set!
obj 'hey object-property-ref ⇒ "joe"
obj 'joe object-property-ref ⇒ #f
obj      object-properties    ⇒ #{ 'hey => "joe" }
( obj -- props )
Returns obj's properties or #f if empty.
( obj key -- val )
Returns obj's property val associated with key or #f if not found.
( obj key val -- )
Sets key-value pair to obj's property object. If key already exists, overwrites old value.

Usage of word-properties:

<'> noop 'hey "joe" word-property-set!
<'> noop 'hey word-property-ref ⇒ "joe"
<'> noop 'joe word-property-ref ⇒ #f
<'> noop      word-properties
    ⇒ #{ 'hey => "joe"  'documentation => "noop" }
( xt -- props )
Returns xt's properties or #f if empty.
( xt key -- val )
Returns xt's property val associated with key or #f if not found.
( xt key val -- )
Sets key-value pair to xt's property object. If key already exists, overwrites old value.

( hook -- )
Prints hook object hook to current output.
( arity help "name" -- )
Creates hook variable name with arity and documentation help. arity can be an integer or an array of length 3, #( req opt rest ).
2 "A simple hook." create-hook my-new-hook
#( 2 0 #f ) "A simple hook." create-hook my-new-hook
( hook -- procs ) aliases: hook->list hook-procs
Returns array of all hook procedures.
( hook proc-or-xt -- ) alias: add-hook!
Adds hook procedure proc-or-xt to hook. Raises bad-arity exception if proc-or-xt's arity doesn't match hook's arity.
( hook args -- value-list ) alias: run-hook
Runs all hook procedures with args, an array of arguments. args can be an array of arguments or a single argument. Raises bad-arity exception if args's length doesn't match hook's arity.
2 make-hook value hk1
hk1  <'> + 2 make-proc  add-hook!
hk1 #( 1 2 ) run-hook ⇒ #( 3 )
( hook -- arity )
Returns arity array of hook, #( req opt rest ).
2 make-hook hook-arity ⇒ #( 2 0 #f )
( hook -- ) alias: reset-hook!
Removes all hook procedures from hook.
( hook proc-or-name -- prc ) alias: remove-hook!
Removes hook procedure proc-or-name from hook and returns it. proc-or-name can be a string, an xt or a proc.
( hook -- f )
Returns #t if no hook procedure exists in hook.
( hook proc-or-name -- f )
Returns #t if procedure proc-or-name exists in hook. proc-or-name can be a string, an xt or a proc.
( hook -- name )
Returns hook's name as string or #f.
( hook -- name-list )
Returns array of hook procedure names (strings).
( obj1 obj2 -- f )
Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are hook objects with same arity and procedures.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a hook object.
( arity -- hook )
Returns hook object for procs accepting arity arguments. arity can be an integer or an array of length 3, #( req opt rest ).
2 make-hook value my-new-hook
#( 2 0 #f ) make-hook value my-new-hook

There are several IO words for manipulating file and pipe streams, strings and sockets. Words like io-read and io-write work with file and pipe streams as well as with strings and sockets.

Current input, output, and error IO object.

( io -- old )
( io -- old )
( io -- old )
They set io as the current input, output, and error IO object and return the old one.

( -- val )
( val -- )
Returns or sets current version control style. Accepted values for setting:
Numbered backups.
Numbered/simple backups.
Simple backups.
No backups.

( :key fam r/o args -- io )
( :key args -- io )
( :key args -- io )
These words open files, pipes, strings, sockets and soft ports. For the full set of keyword arguments, see make-soft-port.


:filename  "foo"         io-open-file value io1
:command   "ls -lF"      io-open-file value io2
:string    "test string" io-open-file value io3
:socket    nil :port 79  io-open-file value io4
:soft-port "test"        io-open-file value io5

( name :key fam r/o if-exists overwrite -- io )
( name -- io )
( name :key if-exists overwrite -- io )
They open file name and return the new IO object ready for processing. The make- words are aliases for the corresponding io- ones.

The following constants are predefined for file access mode :fam:

Append (a).
Read/write-append (a+).
Read-only (r).
Read/write (r+), for open read/write pipes with io-popen.
Write-only (w).
Read/write/create (w+).

If the keyword :if-exists was not specified, overwrites a possible existing file if opened for writing. The following :if-exists keywords are provided:

Raises io-error exception if name already exists.
Overwrites existing file (default).
Depends on the environment variable VERSION_CONTROL and the global Fth variable version-control.


"in-test"                                 io-open value ro1
"in-test"  :fam r/o                       io-open value ro2
"out-test" :fam w/o                       io-open value wo1
"out-test" :fam w/o :if-exists :overwrite io-open value wo2
"out-test" :fam r/w :if-exists :error     io-open value rw1
"out-test" :fam r/w :if-exists :rename    io-open value rw2

( cmd :key fam r/o -- io )
( cmd -- io )
( cmd -- io )
They open a pipe command cmd and return the new IO object ready for processing. cmd may be a string or an array of strings. If popen(3) allows mode "r+" (read/write mode), io-popen can be opened read/write with :fam r/a. The make- words are aliases for the corresponding io- ones. If the global environment variable FTH_POPEN_SHELL is defined and has a shell pathname, popen(3) uses this shell for execution.


\ read pipe
"ls -lAF ~/" io-popen-read value rio
\ or
#( "ls" "-lAF" "~/" ) io-popen value rio
rio io->string fth-print
rio io-close
\ write pipe
"cat" io-popen-write value wio
wio "hello" io-puts
wio io-close
\ read/write pipe (only where mode "r+" is allowed)
"fth -" :fam r/a io-popen value rwio
rwio "80 f2c\n" io-puts
rwio io-gets fth-print
rwio io-close

( str :key fam r/o -- io )
( str -- io )
( str -- io )
They open a string str and return the new IO object ready for processing. The make- words are aliases for the corresponding io- ones.


"test-string" value s
s io-sopen value rio
rio io-read fth-print
rio io-close
s :fam w/a io-sopen value aio
aio " with appended contents" io-write
aio io-rewind
aio io-read fth-print
aio io-close
s fth-print ⇒ "test-string with appended contents"

(host :key args -- io )
These special keywords with default values are known:

:port 1024
:domain AF_INET6 (or AF_INET, AF_UNIX)
:fam r/w (or server)

Opens a new socket server or connects to an already established one. host is a host name (AF_INET/AF_INET6) or a path name (AF_UNIX). If host is not a string, "localhost" will be used. port is the connection port (default 1024) if domain is AF_INET/AF_INET6, otherwise unused, and domain can be AF_INET6 (default), AF_INET or AF_UNIX. socket(2) is opened with domain, type and hard-coded flags 0. fam can be r/w (default) or server. In the latter case, the returned IO object is opened as a server, otherwise the IO object is opened as a client. If connect(2) can't open with domain AF_INET6 (ipv6), tries it with AF_INET (ipv4) instead. It raises socket-error exception if socket(2) or connect(2) fails. The make- word is an alias.


"localhost" :port 25 io-nopen value io
io "HELP\r\n" io-puts
io io-gets fth-print
io io-close

( io -- )
Prints io object to current output.
( io -- str )
Returns contents of io object as string if possible.
( io -- ip-addr )
If io is a socket, returns the IP address of the IO object (as string).
( io -- )
Flushes and closes io object and sets closed? to #t.
( io -- f )
Returns #t if io object is closed.
( io -- f ) alias: io-eos?
Returns #t if EOF is reached.
( -- n ) alias: exit-status
Returns exit status of last extern process called via file-shell, file-system, exec.
( fd :key fam r/o -- io )
Connects the file descriptor fd to a new IO object. If keyword fam was not specified, opens file read-only, otherwise uses fam. See io-open for fam.
2 :fam w/o io-fdopen value err-io
err-io "our error log" io-write
err-io io-flush ⇒ "our error log" (on standard error)
( io -- name ) alias: io-hostname
Returns filename of io object or #f if filename is not available. If io is a socket, it will return the hostname.
( io -- fd ) alias: io-fd
Returns the file descriptor of io.
( io -- )
Flushes io object if necessary.
( io -- c )
Returns next character from io object or #f if EOF.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an input IO object.
( io -- mode )
Returns access mode of io object as string.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an output IO object.
( io -- pos ) alias: io-tell
Returns current io object position.
( io pos -- )
Sets io object position to pos.
( io c -- )
Writes character c to io object.
( io -- line ) aliases: io-gets io-recv
Returns next line from io object or #f if EOF.
( io -- array-of-lines )
Returns the entire io object contents as an array of strings, line by line.
( io1 name :key fam io1-fam -- io2 )
Returns new IO object as copy of io1 and closes io1. If name is not a string, uses filename from io1. If keyword fam was not specified, uses mode from io1, otherwise uses fam. All restrictions on freopen(3) apply, for example a file opened for reading cannot reopened for writing etc.
"1-test" io-open-write value io1
io1 "hello" io-write
io1 "2-test" io-reopen value io2
io1 io-closed? ⇒ #t
io2 "world" io-write
io2 io-close
io2 io-closed? ⇒ #t
"1-test" readlines ⇒ #( "hello" )
"2-test" readlines ⇒ #( "world" )
*stderr* "error.log" io-reopen value err-io
( io -- )
Rewinds position to begin of io object.
( io offset :key whence io-seek-set -- pos )
Adds offset to the file position in io object and returns new position. Keyword whence can have the following values:

Offset counts from begin of file (default).
Offset counts from current position.
Offset counts from end of file.
( :key readfds writefds exceptfds timeout -- f )
There are three keyword arguments for specifying the IO objects and one keyword argument for the timeout option:
:readfds io
:writefds io
:exceptfds io
:timeout microseconds
One can check all three IO objects, but not more than one of a kind. But it's best to check only one because so you know for which the return flag was set. See select(2).
( -- io )
Creates a temporary file IO object that is automatically removed when it is closed or on program termination. See tmpfile(3) and mkstemp(3).
( io line -- ) aliases: io-puts io-send
Writes line to io object.
( io fmt args -- )
Writes formatted string to io object.
( io array-of-lines -- )
Writes array-of-lines to io object.
( obj1 obj2 -- f )
Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are IO objects with equal filenames, modes and file positions.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an IO object.
( name -- array-of-lines )
Opens file name, reads its contents in an array, closes file and returns the array.
( name array-of-lines -- )
Opens file name, writes the contents of array-of-lines to it and closes file.
( obj -- )
If obj is an IO object, io-close is used, if obj is a file descriptor, an integer between 0 and OPEN_MAX (128), close(2) is used.
( old-fd new-fd -- )
Guarantees that the file table entry of new-fd shares that of old-fd. See dup2(2).
( fd request flag -- res )
Manipulates open file descriptors. fd is a file descriptor (an integer), flag is 0 or 1 (an integer) and request is one of the following constants:
Sets the close-on-exec flag.
Clears the close-on-exec flag.
Set or clear the nonblocking I/O flag.
Set or clear the flag that allows the receipt of asyncronous I/O signals, SIGIO.
Returns the number of bytes available to read. This works for files, pipes and sockets.
Set either the process ID or the process group ID to receive the SIGIO and SIGURG signals (sockets).
Get either the process ID or the process group ID that is set to receive SIGIO and SIGURG signals.
See ioctl(2).

The meaning of and possible values for arguments for the following words: fd is the file descriptor returned by socket(2), port is the port number to use, domain is one of AF_UNIX, AF_INET or AF_INET6, type is one of SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM, host is either the path name for domain AF_UNIX or the host name for AF_INET/AF_INET6, and flags is one of 0, MSG_PEEK or MSG_OOB. If something went wrong, they raise socket-error exception.
( fd -- )
Tests for end of stream on socket descriptor fd.
( host port domain -- addr )
Creates a sockaddr struct for net-sendto and net-recvfrom.
( fd -- io ) alias: net-fd->io
Creates a socket IO object from fd.
( fd host domain -- io )
Accepts a connection on a socket and returns an IO object after an established connection. host can be an arbitrary name, its only use is the name for the IO object. This is used on the server side of a socket connection, see accept(2).
( fd host port domain -- )
Assigns a name to a socket. port is the port if domain is AF_INET/AF_INET6, otherwise unused. This is on the server side of a socket connection, see bind(2).
( fd host port domain -- io )
Connects to a server and returns IO object after an established connection. port is the port if domain is AF_INET/AF_INET6, otherwise unused. This is on the client side of a socket connection, see connect(2).
( fd -- )
Informs the operating system that connection requests should be delivered. This is on the server side of a socket connection, see listen(2).

( fd flags -- msg )
( fd flags addr -- msg )
( fd flags host port domain -- msg )
( fd msg flags -- )
( fd msg flags addr -- )
( fd msg flags host port domain -- )
They send and receive data through the socket descriptor fd, see examples below and recv(2) and recvfrom(2) as well as send(2) and sendto(2).
( fd how -- )
Closes socket connection, how is one of SHUT_RD, SHUT_WR or SHUT_RDWR, see shutdown(2).
( domain type -- fd )
Returns a socket descriptor, see socket(2).
( type -- fd-ary )
Returns an array of a socket descriptor pair. The domain can be only AF_UNIX (AF_LOCAL), so it's hardwired. type can be SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM, see socketpair(2).
( sfd -- name )
Returns socket name, the foreign name, of sfd. See getpeername(2).
( sfd -- name )
Returns socket name, the local name, of sfd. See getsockname(2).
( ip -- hash ) .gethostbyaddr ( ip -- )
Returns resp. prints a hash with slots 'NAME (string), 'ALIASES (array), and 'ADDR-LIST (array) filled with results from gethostbyaddr(3) looking for ip (a string). .gethostbyaddr prints these entries nicely.
( host -- hash ) .gethostbyname ( host -- )
Returns resp. prints a hash with slots 'NAME (string), 'ALIASES (array), and 'ADDR-LIST (array) filled with results from gethostbyname2(3) looking for host (a string). .gethostbyname prints these entries nicely.
( serv -- hash ) .getservbyname ( serv --  )
Returns resp. prints a hash with slots 'NAME (string), 'ALIASES (array), getservbyname(3) looking for service serv (a string). .getservbyname prints these entries nicely.
( port -- hash ) .getservbyport ( port --  )
Returns resp. prints a hash with slots 'NAME (string), 'ALIASES (array), getservbyport(3) looking for port (a number). .getservbyport prints these entries nicely.
( -- n )
Returns the h_error number, the error set by network host functions like gethostbyname(3).
( n -- str )
Returns the error message string corresponding to h_error n. h_error is the current error number set by network host functions like gethostbyname(3).

Socket Examples

This is the simple TCP client/server network example found in Chapter 6 of UNIX Network Programming (1990) by W. Richard Stevens.

\ The server reads one line at a time from the socket
\ and writes each line back to the sender.
: str-echo { so -- }
        nil { line }
                so io-gets to line
                line "\n" string<>
                so line io-puts

\ The client reads one line from file IO and writes it to the socket,
\ then reads a line back from the socket and writes it to *stdout*.
: str-cli { so io -- }
        nil { line }
                io io-gets to line
                line ".\n" string<>
                so line io-puts
                *stdout*   so io-gets io-puts
        so "\n" io-puts

\ Callback for server.
: echo-cb { so sfd -- prc; self -- }
        0 proc-create ( prc )
        sfd , so ,
  does> { self -- }
        self @ ( sfd ) fd-close
        self cell+ @ { so }
        so str-echo
        %s finished\n" '( so ) fth-stderr
        so io-close

\ Start the TCP server at one terminal.
: tcp-server ( -- )
        "" { serv-addr }
        "localhost" { cli-addr }
        6543        { port }
        AF_INET SOCK_STREAM net-socket { sfd }
        sfd serv-addr port AF_INET net-bind
        sfd net-listen
                sfd cli-addr AF_INET net-accept ( so )
                sfd echo-cb fork ." pid " . cr

\ Start the TCP client at a second terminal and begin writing.
\ The server echos each line back.
: tcp-client ( -- )
        "localhost" { serv-addr }
        6543        { port }
        AF_INET SOCK_STREAM net-socket { sfd }
        serv-addr port AF_INET net-connect ( so )
        *stdin* str-cli

Compile or interpret state constants for comparison with global variable state.
state @ COMPILE_STATE = if
        \ compile state action here
        \ interpret state action here


Number of bytes used by a cell or float.

String Constants

Version and date strings of current program and library.

Array of all features.
( feature -- )
Adds feature, a string or symbol, to *features* array.
'snd add-feature
( path -- )
Adds string path to *load-lib-path* array if not already there.
"/home/mike/lib/fth" add-load-lib-path
( path -- )
Adds string path to *load-path* array if not already there.
"/home/mike/share/fth" add-load-path
( obj -- ary )
Returns an array of dictionary entries matching regular expression or string obj.
/do/ apropos ⇒ #( "doLocal" ... )
( "lib" "func" -- )
Loads dynamic C library lib and calls init function func.
dl-load dbm Init_dbm
( "name" -- )
Loads Forth source file name and adds name to *loaded-files* if it wasn't already there. If file extension wasn't specified, use ‘.fs’. If name doesn't exist, tries each entry of *load-path* with name. Replaces ‘~’ with HOME if name begins with this character. With include one can load a file more than once. Before loading name, runs hook before-load-hook. After loading name, runs hook after-load-hook. Raises no-such-file exception if file doesn't exist. Raises load-error if an error occurred during load.
include hello
( "file" -- )
Installs file in first writeable path found in *load-path* (*.fs[m]) or *load-lib-path* (*.so). In the last example below the trailing -e is necessary because the last occurrence of -e will be compiled but install is a parse word and won't work in compile state.
\ from script:
install snd-test.fs
install sndlib.so
\ from shell command prompt:
% fth -ve 'install sndlib.so' -e ''
( file -- )
Installs file in first writeable path found in *load-path* (*.fs[m]) or *load-lib-path* (*.so). Warns if no writable path could be found.
\ from script:
"snd-test.fs" install-file
"sndlib.so" install-file
\ from shell command prompt:
% fth -ve '"sndlib.so" install-file'
( file -- )
If Forth source file exists in current or HOME dir, loads it, otherwise does nothing. Replaces ‘~’ with HOME if name begins with this character.
".my-fth-init" load-init-file
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj, a string or symbol, exists in *features* list.
'fth provided? ⇒ #t
'foo provided? ⇒ #f
( "name" -- )
If Forth source file name doesn't exist in array *loaded-files*, load it and add name to *loaded-files*. If file extension wasn't specified, use ‘.fs’. If name doesn't exist, tries each entry of *load-path* with name. Replaces ‘~’ with HOME if name begins with this character. With require one can load files only one time. Before loading name, runs hook before-load-hook. After loading name, runs hook after-load-hook. Raises no-such-file exception if file doesn't exist. Raises load-error if an error occurred during load.
require hello
( path -- )
Adds string path to the front of the *load-lib-path* array if not already there.
"/home/mike/lib/fth" unshift-load-lib-path
( path -- )
Adds string path to the front of the *load-path* array if not already there.
"/home/mike/share/fth" unshift-load-path

( ?? obj exc arg -- ?? res )
If obj is #f, returns immediately #f, if obj is a proc-or-xt, executes obj in a save environment. If obj finishes successfully, returns #f on top of stack and obj's results if any as ( obj-results #f ).

If something went wrong, catching depends on exc and returning on arg. If exc is #t, all exceptions will be caught, if exc is an exception, only this exception will be caught.

The return value depends an arg. If arg is nil, '( exc exc-msg ) will be returned, if arg is a proc-or-xt, the result of this will be returned, if arg is neither nil nor a proc-or-xt, arg itself will be returned.

Can be #f or a proc-or-xt. If #f, finishes immediately and returns #f. If obj is a proc-or-xt, obj will be executed and, if successfully finished, its return value as well as #f on top of stack will be returned ( res #f ).
Can be #t or an exception. If #t, all exceptions will be caught. If exc is an exception, this exception only will be caught.
If something went wrong, this lands on top of stack. It can be nil, a proc-or-xt returning a value or any other object. If nil, the caught exception will be on top of stack. If arg is a proc-or-xt, this will be executed and its return value will be on top of stack. The stack effect of arg's proc-or-xt is ( oldval -- newval ) where oldval is a list '( exc exc-msg ). If arg is any other value, arg itself will be returned.
#( 0.3 0.3 0.3 ) value ary
ary 2 <'> array-ref  #t  nil  fth-catch ⇒ 0.3 #f
ary 4 <'> array-ref  'out-of-range  #t  fth-catch
  ⇒ #( 0.3 0.3 0.3 ) 4 #t
: ary-handler { retval -- val }
        "from handler: %S\n" #( retval ) fth-print
        #t ( return value )
ary 4 0.4 <'> array-set!
    'out-of-range <'> ary-handler fth-catch
  prints: ⇒ from handler: \
        #( 'out-of-range "array-set! (ary_set) arg 2: \
        4 is out of range" )
  ⇒ 0.4 #t
ary 2 0.4 <'> array-set!
    'out-of-range <'> ary-handler fth-catch ⇒ #f
( exc fmt args -- )
Raises exception exc with text built from fmt and args. If fmt is a format string with N printf-like-format signs, args should have at least N elements with corresponding values. If exc is #f, reraise last exception.
'bad-arity "%s: %s args required, got %s"
    #( proc 3 2 ) fth-throw
  ⇒ #<bad-arity in test-proc: 3 args required, got 2>
#f #f #f fth-raise
  ⇒ reraise last exception
( exc args -- )
Throws exception exc with text built from args. If args is not an array, its string representation is used. If args is NIL or an empty array, a default string is used. If args is an array with one element, this string is used. If args is an array and its first element is a format string with N printf-like-format signs, args should have N more elements with corresponding values.
\ ARGS: any object
'bad-arity proc fth-throw
  ⇒ #<bad-arity in test-proc>
\ ARGS: nil or #()
'bad-arity nil fth-throw
  ⇒ #<bad-arity: proc has bad arity>
\ ARGS: #( string )
'bad-arity #( "test-proc" ) fth-throw
  ⇒ #<bad-arity in test-proc>
\ ARGS: #( fmt arg1 arg2 arg3 )
'bad-arity #( "%s: %s args required, got %s"
              2 ) fth-throw
  ⇒ #<bad-arity in test-proc: 3 args required, got 2>
( ?? -- )
Resets (empties) the data stack to initial state.

( -- secs )
Returns time in seconds since 1970/01/01 as ficl2Unsigned. See time(3) for more information.
( -- str )
Returns date in default UNIX format as a string.
( secs -- ary )
Returns array of eleven elements with secs converted to Greenwich Mean Time.
Seconds after minute (0-60).
Minutes after the hour (0-59).
Hours since midnight (0-23).
Day of the month (1-31).
Months since January (0-11).
Years since 1900.
Days since Sunday (0-6).
Days since January 1 (0-365).
Daylight savings time flag.
Offset from UTC in seconds.
Time-zone abbreviation.
( secs -- ary )
Returns array of eleven elements with secs converted to local time, see gmtime.
( ary -- secs )
Returns time constructed from values of ary. ary may be #f or an array of up to eleven elements where single elements may be #f, see gmtime for array elements.
#( 28 40 2 14 0 112 6 13 #f 3600 "CET" ) mktime
( fmt secs -- str )
Converts ficl2Unsigned secs in a date string corresponding to fmt. The fmt string will be interpreted by strftime(3).
"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" current-time strftime
  ⇒ "Sat Jan 14 02:40:28 CET 2012"
( str fmt -- secs )
Parses str according to fmt and returns seconds as ficl2Unsigned.
"2012 01 14" "%Y %m %d" strptime time->string
  ⇒ "Sat Jan 14 02:40:28 CET 2012"
( -- r )
Returns real time, a ficlFloat.
( secs -- str )
Converts ficl2Unsigned secs in a date string in current local time.
current-time time->string ⇒ "Sat Jan 14 02:40:28 CET 2012"
( -- )
Sets global timeval struct variable to current time.
( -- utime stime )
Returns user and system time as ficlFloats.
utime ⇒ 0.171875 0.0234375

( -- )
Closes the log file. Syslog works without using closelog. See closelog(3) and syslog(3) for more.
( -- hash )
Returns hash of all shell environment variables and their values.
( -- n )
Returns the error number set by several library functions.
( cmd -- )
Replaces the current process by running cmd as shell command. If cmd is a string, shell expansion takes place and if either FTH_POPEN_SHELL or SHELL is set to a shell pathname, use this shell, otherwise use /bin/sh to execute cmd. If cmd is an array of strings, no shell expansion takes place and the first element of cmd should be a program name. See exec(3) for more.
\ string
lambda: <{}> "man exec" exec ; fork 0 waitpid
exit-status 0=
\ array of strings
lambda: <{}> #( "man" "exec" ) exec ; fork 0 waitpid
exit-status 0=
( xt -- pid )
Creates a new process and executes xt in the child. Fork returns child's process id to the parent process. See fork(2) for more.
lambda: <{}> "man fork" exec ; fork 0 waitpid
exit-status 0=
( -- id )
Returns effective group id of calling process.
( name -- value )
Returns contents of shell environment variable name as string or #f if variable is not defined.
( -- id )
Returns effective user id of calling process.
( -- id )
Returns real group id of calling process.
( -- str ) alias: hostname
Returns name of current host.
( -- str )
Returns name of user associated with current session.
( -- id )
Returns process id.
( -- id )
Returns parent process id.
( -- ary ) .getrusage ( -- )
Returns an array of 16 elements with all slots of struct rusage, see getrusage(2), and .getrusage prints these slots.
( pid -- sid )
Returns session id for pid. See getsid(2).
( -- id )
Returns real user id of calling process.
( pid sig -- )
Sends to process ID pid signal sig. If pid is zero, sends sig to current process. sig is a number or a constant like SIGKILL.
( ident logopt facility -- )
Opens syslog for more specialized processing of the messages sent by syslog. Syslog works without using openlog. All constants for logopt and facility provided by syslog.h are available. See openlog(3) and syslog(3) for more.
( name value -- )
Sets value to shell environment variable name.
( id -- )
Sets effective group id. This is only permitted if id is equal real GID or effective GID or the effective UID is that of the super user.
( id -- )
Sets effective user id. This is only permitted if id is equal real UID or effective UID or the effective UID is that of the super user.
( id -- )
Sets real group id. This is only permitted if id is equal real GID or effective GID or the effective UID is that of the super user.
( str -- )
Sets name of current host to str. This call is restricted to the super-user.
( -- sid )
Sets session id and returns it. This requires special privileges for the current process. See setsid(2).
( id -- )
Sets real user id. This is only permitted if id is equal real UID or effective UID or the effective UID is that of the super user.
( sig xt -- old-xt )
Installs xt for signal sig as an signal handler and returns old handler. XT must take one value from the stack, the signal, and should not return any value; its stack effect is ( sig -- ).
SIGINT lambda: { sig -- }
        "\nSIGINT (#%d) received\n" '( sig ) fth-stderr
; signal value old-xt
( secs -- )
Pauses for secs seconds.
( n -- str )
Returns the error message string corresponding to errno n, see strerror(3).
( n -- str )
Returns the signal description string corresponding to n, see strsignal(3).
( :optional mask nil -- mask )
Returns the current file mode creation mask if mask was not specified or sets the file mode creation mask to mask. You can specify the mask octal with ‘0o022’, this is zero letter o zero two two. See umask(2).
( -- pid )
Waits for child process and returns its process ID. Sets global read only variable exit-status to the exit status of the exec-process. See wait(2) for more.
lambda: <{}> #( "man" "wait" ) exec ; fork value pid
wait pid = if ." finished" then
( pid flags -- )
Waits for child process pid. Sets global read only variable exit-status to the exit status of the exec-process. flags may be 0 or one or more of the following POSIX constants ored together:

Do not block.
Keep process in waitable state.

See waitpid(2) for more.

lambda: <{}> #( "man" "waitpid" ) exec ; fork 0 waitpid
exit-status 0=

Getopt sets this variable to the option string of an argument which accepts options.
If #t, the default, getopt print error message in case of an error, if #f, no message will be printed.
Getopt sets this variable to the index of the next element of the *argv* array.
If getopt finds unknown options or getopt misses required arguments, it stores that option in this variable.

( argv opts -- c )
Returns next character from command line options. Here is the example from getopt(3) in Forth:
% cat getopt-test.fth
#! /usr/pkg/bin/fth -s
: main ( -- )
        #f { bflag }
        #f { ffile }
        #t to opterr    \ getopt prints error messages
                *argv* "bf:" getopt ( ch ) dup
        while ( ch )
                        <char> b of #t     to bflag endof
                        <char> f of optarg to ffile endof
                        <char> ? of
                                "usage: [-b] [-f file]\n" .stderr
                                1 (bye) \ exit with return code 1
        repeat ( ch ) drop
        optind 0 ?do *argv* array-shift drop loop
        *argv* array-length to *argc*
        "-b: %s, -f: %s\n" #( bflag ffile ) fth-print
0 (bye)                 \ exit with return code 0

% ./getopt-test.fth
        ⇒ -b: #f, -f: #f
% ./getopt-test.fth -b
        ⇒ -b: #t, -f: #f
% ./getopt-test.fth -bf outfile
        ⇒ -b: #t, -f: outfile
% ./getopt-test.fth -f
        ⇒ fth: option requires an argument -- f
        ⇒ usage: [-b] [-f file]
% ./getopt-test.fth -h
        ⇒ fth: illegal option -- h
        ⇒ usage: [-b] [-f file]
( argv opts longopts -- c )
Returns next character from command line options.
: long-test
        #f { bflag }
        #f { ffile }
        #f to opterr
        #( #( "flag" no-argument       <char> b )
           #( "file" required-argument <char> f ) ) { opts }
                *argv* "bf:" opts getopt-long ( ch ) dup
        while ( ch )
                        <char> b of #t     to bflag endof
                        <char> f of optarg to ffile endof
                        <char> ? of
                                "-%c requires an argument"
                                    #( optopt ) fth-warning
        repeat drop ( ch )
        optind 0 ?do *argv* array-shift drop loop
        *argv* array-length to *argc*
        "-b, --flag (default #f): %s\n" #( bflag ) fth-print
        "-f, --file (default #f): %s\n" #( ffile ) fth-print

( n -- )
The exit hook fth_exit_hook will be called if set, all procs registered for at-exit will be executed and the current process will be terminated with exit code n.
( n -- )
No exit hooks or at-exit words will be called, it calls the C function _exit(2) with exit code n.
( -- ) config-cflags ( -- str )
Prints or returns compiler flags to compile libfth.so for use with other applications. See EXAMPLES.
( -- ) config-libs ( -- str )
Prints or returns linker flags to link libfth.so to other applications. See EXAMPLES.
( -- ) .version ( -- )
Prints long and short package version.
( -- )
Prints used and free dictionary cells.
( -- ) config-prefix ( -- str )
Prints or returns installation prefix path.
( obj -- )
obj, an proc or xt, will be called by Fth's exit function. More than one calls to at-exit are possible, all procs or xts will be called in order. The stack effect of obj is ( -- ).
lambda: <{ -- }> "test.file" file-delete ; at-exit
( -- str )
Returns configure arguments.
( -- addr len )
Returns fth-version as a Forth string with addr len.
ver type ⇒ "1.4.2 (2020/11/20) [x86_64-pkgsrc-netbsd]"

#t if a given object is of corresponding type, ( obj -- f ).

Compare ficlInteger with zero, ( n -- f ).

Compare two ficlInteger numbers, ( n1 n2 -- f ).

Compare two ficlUnsigned numbers, ( u1 u2 -- f ).

Compare a ficl2Integer with zero, ( d -- f ). d can be any type of number but should fit in ficl2Integer.
1 d0>= ⇒ #t
1.0 d0< ⇒ #f

Compare two ficl2Integers, ( d1 d2 -- f ). d1 and d2 can be any type of number but should fit in ficl2Integer.
1 2.0 d< ⇒ #t
1.0 2 d= ⇒ #f

Compare two ficl2Unsigned numbers, ( ud1 ud2 -- f ). ud1 and ud2 can be any type of number but should fit in ficl2Unsigned.
1 2.0 du< ⇒ #t
1.0 2 du= ⇒ #f

Compare ficlComplex with zero, ( c -- f ). c can be any type of number but should fit in ficlComplex.
1.0+1.0i c0<> ⇒ #t
0.0+0.0i c0= ⇒ #t
1 c0= ⇒ #f

Compare two ficlComplex numbers, ( c1 c2 -- f ). c1 and c2 can be any type of number but should fit in ficlComplex.
1.0+1.0i 1+i c= ⇒ #t
1+0i 2.0 c<> ⇒ #t
1 1+0i c= ⇒ #t

Compare ficlBignum with zero, ( b -- f ) b can be any type of number.

Compare two ficlBignum numbers, ( b1 b2 -- f ). b1 and b2 can be any type of number.

Compare ficlRatio with zero, ( q -- f ). q can be any type of number.

Compare two ficlRatio numbers, ( q1 q2 -- f ). q1 and q2 can be any type of number.

( x -- n ) aliases: d>s c>s b>s q>s
Converts any number to ficlInteger.

( x -- d ) aliases: f>d >llong make-long-long
Converts any number to ficl2Integer.

( x -- ud ) aliases: f>ud make-ulong-long
Converts any number to ficl2Unsigned.

( x -- r ) aliases: d>f c>f b>f q>f
Converts any number to ficlFloat.

( x -- c ) aliases: f>c q>c >c
Converts any number to ficlComplex.

( x -- b ) aliases: f>b >bignum make-bignum
Converts any number to ficlBignum.

( x -- q ) aliases: f>q c>q
Converts any number to ficlRatio.

One argument ficlInteger operators, ( n1 -- n2 ).

Two argument ficlInteger operators, ( n1 n2 -- n3 ).

One argument ficl2Integer operators, ( d1 -- d2 ). d1 can be any type of number but should fit in ficl2Integer (not ficlBignum).

Two argument ficl2Integer operators, ( d1 d2 -- d3 ). d1 and d2 can be any type of number but should fit in ficl2Integer (not ficlBignum).

One argument ficlFloat operators, ( r1 -- r2 ). r1 can be any type of number but should fit in ficlFloat.

alias: fpow
Two argument ficlFloat operators, ( r1 r2 -- r3 ). r1 and r2 can be any type of number but should fit in ficlFloat.

( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 r2 -- r3 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 ) alias: flogp1
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 r3 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
( r1 -- r2 )
Math library words for real numbers. fsincos returns sin(r1) and cos(r1). r1 can be any type of number but should fit in ficlFloat.

One argument ficlComplex operators, ( c1 -- c2 ). c1 can be any type of number but should fit in ficlComplex.

alias: cpow
Two argument ficlComplex operators, ( c1 c2 -- c3 ). c1 and c2 can be any type of number but should fit in ficlComplex.

( -- I )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 c2 -- c3 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
( c1 -- c2 )
Math library words for complex numbers. c1 can be any type of number but should fit in ficlComplex.

One argument ficlBignum operators, ( b1 -- b2 ). b1 can be any type of number.

alias: bpow
Two argument ficlBignum operators, ( b1 b2 -- b3 ). b1 and b2 can be any type of number.

( x y -- z )
Greatest common divisor. x and y can be any type of number, z is of type ficlBignum.

( x y -- z )
Least common multiple. x and y can be any type of number, z is of type ficlBignum.

( b1 u -- b2 n )
Returns the integer part of root u of b1. On top of stack is 1 if result is exact, otherwise 0.

( b1 -- b2 n )
Returns the integer part of the square root of b1. On top of stack is 1 if result is exact, otherwise 0.

( b1 b2 -- b3 n )
b3 becomes b1 modulo b2.

( b1 b2 -- b3 b4 n )
Divides b1 by b2 where b3 becomes the remainder and b4 becomes the quotient.

( b1 n -- b2 )
( b1 n -- b2 )
Shifts arbitrary precision number b1 n bits to left resp. right. b1 can be any type of number while n has to be an integer (ficlInteger).

One argument ficlRatio operators, ( q1 -- q2 ). q1 can be any type of number.

Two argument ficlRatio operators, ( q1 q2 -- q3 ). q1 and q2 can be any type of number.

( -- n )
( n -- )
Returns or sets current floating-point rounding mode, one of:

See fenv(3), fegetround(3), and fesetround(3).

( r1 r2 -- c ) alias: make-rectangular
They return a complex object with real r1 and image r2.
( x -- n )
Returns denominator of x or 1.
( x -- r )
Converts x to an inexact number.
( x -- r ) alias: image-ref
Image part of x.
( x -- n )
Converts x to an exact number.
( -- inf )
Returns Infinity.
( real theta -- c )
Returns a polar complex object from real and theta.
( num den -- q )
Returns a new ratio object with numerator num and denominator den.
( -- NaN )
Returns Not-A-Number.
( x -- n )
Returns numerator of x or 0.
( x err -- y )
Returns inexact number within err of x.
( x -- r )
Real part of x.

( -- seed )
Returns contents of the seed variable fth_randx.
( seed -- )
Sets seed to the seed variable fth_randx.
( r -- -r...+r )
Returns pseudo randomized value between -r and +r.
( r -- 0.0..r )
Returns pseudo randomized value between 0.0 and r.

These formatted number output words will by convention add a space after the number:
( n1 n2 -- )
Prints integer n1 in a right-adjusted field of n2 characters.
17 3 .r ⇒ | 17 |
( b -- )
Prints bignum number.
17.0 bn. ⇒ |17 |
( c -- )
Prints complex number c.
17.0+1.0i c. ⇒ |17.0+1.0i |
( d -- )
Prints (Forth) double d (ficl2Integer).
17 d. ⇒ |17 |
( d n -- )
Prints (Forth) double d (ficl2Integer) in a right-adjusted field of n characters.
17 3 d.r ⇒ | 17 |
( r n -- )
Prints float r with n digits after decimal point.
17.0 3 f.r ⇒ |17.000 |
( q -- )
Prints rational number.
17.0 q. ⇒ |17/1 |
( u n -- )
Prints unsigned integer u in a right-adjusted field of n characters.
17 3 u.r ⇒ | 17 |
( ud -- )
Prints (Forth) unsigned double ud (ficl2Unsigned).
17 ud. ⇒ |17 |
( ud n -- )
Prints (Forth) unsigned double ud (ficl2Unsigned) in a right-adjusted field of n characters.
17 3 ud.r ⇒ | 17 |
( r len-all len-after-comma -- )
Prints float r in a right-adjusted field of len-all characters with len-after-comma digits.
17.0 8 3 uf.r ⇒ | 17.000 |
17.0 8 2 uf.r ⇒ |  17.00 |

e (∼2.71828)
pi/2 (∼1.5708)
log(10) (∼2.30259)
log(2) (∼0.693147)
pi (∼3.14159)
sqrt(2) (∼1.41421)
pi*2 (∼6.28319)

( -- ) alias: bt
Prints last word list from stack frame to error output.
( -- n ) alias: stack-level
Internal global variable. Returns the current frame depth.
( -- n ) set-object-print-length ( n -- )
Returns or sets the number of objects to print for arrays, lists, hashs, etc. Default value is 64. If n is negative, prints all elements.

( obj -- f )
( obj -- f )
( obj -- f )
They return #t if obj is an instance and the mark/protected/permanent flag is set. All new created objects have the mark flag set.

( obj -- obj )
( obj -- obj )
( obj -- obj )
( obj -- obj )
They mark or unmark obj to protect or unprotect it from garbage collection.

( -- #f )
( -- #f )
( -- )
( -- )
They turn garbage collection on or off, run garbage collection and print garbage collection statistics.

( -- ary )
( -- ary )
They return an array containing all protected or permanent objects.

( obj -- gen )
( obj -- gen )
Returns GEN-struct or object type of obj.

( obj -- f )
( obj type -- f )
They return #t if obj is an instance resp. an instance of type.

( gen obj -- instance )
Returns new instance of Object type obj with gen wrapped in.

( name -- object-type )
( obj -- f )
Creates new object type name. Adds name to feature environment list, creates a constant fth-name of object-type and returns new object-type name. The new created object-type can be used to bind words to it.

( obj -- name )
Returns object type name of obj as a string.

( obj -- struct )
Returns object struct of object-type obj.

( -- ary )
Returns array containing all known object names.

( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj arity -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
( xt obj -- )
They set xt as object-xxx word for obj type.

( obj -- )
( obj -- )
They print inspect string or object name of obj to current standard output.

( obj -- val )
( obj value -- )
( obj index -- )
( obj -- index )
( obj -- )
They return or set values at current cycle-index, return or set cycle-index or set cycle-index to zero. Cycles through contents of obj from first to last entry and starts over at the beginning etc.

( obj -- val )
( obj value -- )
( obj -- val )
( obj value -- )
( obj -- val )
( obj value -- )
( obj -- val )
( obj value -- )
They return or set the corresponding elements of obj.

( obj -- id )
Returns hash id computed from string representation of obj. Objects with the same contents have the same id.

( obj -- ary )
( obj -- str )
They return obj as array or string.

( obj args -- result ) alias: apply
Runs apply on obj with args as arguments. args can be an array of arguments or a single argument. The number of args must fit apply's definition. The next two examples require each 1 argument:
fth_set_object_apply(vct_tag, vct_ref, 1, 0, 0); /* C */
<'> enved-ref fth-enved 1 set-object-apply \ Forth

( obj1 -- obj2 )
Returns copy of obj1. Copies any element if obj1 is an instance.

( obj -- hook )
Returns the debug-hook member of obj if there is any. The hook has the stack effect ( inspect-string obj -- new-str ). Any object can set this hook. If set, it will be called on inspecting the object with the inspect string as first argument. If there are more than one hook procedures, all of them will be called fed with the new string previously returned.
#( 0 1 ) value ary
ary .inspect ⇒ #<array[2]:  #<fixnum: 0> #<fixnum: 1>>
ary object-debug-hook lambda: <{ str obj -- new-str }>
        "debug-inspect: %s" #( obj ) string-format
; add-hook!
ary .inspect ⇒ #<debug-inspect: #( 0 1 )>
ary object-debug-hook hook-clear
ary .inspect ⇒ #<array[2]:  #<fixnum: 0> #<fixnum: 1>>

( obj -- f ) alias: empty?
Returns #t if length of obj is zero.

( obj1 obj2 -- f ) alias: equal?
Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 have equal contents.

( obj -- id )
Returns object id of obj, a uniq number.

( obj key -- index ) alias: index
( obj key -- value ) alias: detect
( obj key -- f ) alias: member?
They return the index, the element or #t if key is present in obj, otherwise -1 (index) or #f.

( obj -- str )
( obj -- str )
They return the inspect and dump string of obj. The dump string may be evaled to reinstate the object from a file.

( obj -- len ) alias: length
Returns length of obj.

( obj index -- f ) alias: range?
Returns #t if index is in range of obj.

( obj index -- val )
( obj index value -- )
They return or set value at index. If obj is of a type which can have multiple elements, an array for example, returns or sets value at index. If obj is of a type which consists of only one element, a fixnum for example, ignores index and returns obj itself and set does nothing.

( obj index value -- )
( obj index value -- )
( obj index value -- )
( obj index value -- )
They do some math on the specified element. Value may be any number (ficlInteger, ficlFloat, ficlRatio or ficlComplex).

( obj cmp-xt -- ary ) alias: sort
Converts obj to an array, sorts and returns it. cmp-xt compares two items A and B and should return a negative integer if A < B, 0 if A == B, and a positive integer if A > B.
: numb-sort { val1 val2 -- n }
        val1 val2 < if
                val1 val2 > if
#( 6 2 8 1 ) <'> numb-sort object-sort ⇒ #( 1 2 6 8 )

( obj -- f )
( obj -- f )
( obj -- f )
( obj -- f )
( obj -- f )
They return #t if obj is of the specified kind.

( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an XmObj (snd/xm.c). It is a very special Snd XM test, see snd(1) for more information.

One can build its own in- and output ports with the help of make-soft-port words. For example one can split the output to the snd(1) listener and to standard error or to a log file.

Input Example

"in-test.text" io-open-read value *io*
:port-name "read-soft"
:read-line lambda: <{ -- line }> *io* io-read ;
:close     lambda: <{ -- }>      *io* io-close ;
make-soft-input-port value prt
prt port-read ⇒ first line of in-test.text
prt port-close

Output example

The output is split to the Snd listener with snd-print and to standard error with .stderr. snd-print returns its input string which we use for .stderr. Nothing have to be closed and a :close proc isn't necessary.

:port-name  "sndout"
:write-line lambda: <{ line -- }> line snd-print ( line ) .stderr ;
make-soft-output-port value prt
prt "hello" port-write
( :key args -- prt )
Returns new soft port IO object for reading if the :fam keyword was not specified.
( :key args -- prt )
Returns new soft port IO object for reading.
( :key args -- prt )
Returns new soft port IO object for writing.

The words above know the following keywords. Not all procs are required.

r/o (default) | w/o | r/w

The prt argument in the following words may be an IO object returned from io- or port-words, or #f. In the latter case uses standard input resp. standard output.

( prt -- str )
Returns entire contents of prt object as string if available.
( prt -- )
File and IO ports close their streams, other kind of ports do nothing.
( prt -- f )
Returns #t if prt object is closed.
( prt obj -- )
Writes the string representation of obj to prt object.
( prt -- )
File and IO ports flush their streams, other kind of ports do nothing.
( prt -- c )
Returns next character from prt IO object.
( prt -- str ) alias: port-read
Returns one line from prt IO object.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an input IO object or #f for standard input.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an output IO object or #f for standard output.
( prt c -- )
Writes character c to prt IO object.
( prt str -- ) alias: port-write
Writes str to prt IO object.
( prt fmt args -- ) alias: port-write-format
Writes string built from fmt and array args to prt IO object. For example, write "hello, world" to the standard output (#f) port:
#f "hello, %s" #( "world" ) port-puts-format
  ⇒ hello, world
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an IO object or #f for standard in- or output.

The following words recognize these keywords:
:filename filename
Opens file IO connected to filename with one of the access modes:
r/o | w/o | r/w
:command command | array-of-strings
Opens pipe IO connected to command or an array of strings in the form of #( "ls" "-l" ) with one of the access modes:
r/o | w/o | r/w
:string string
Opens string IO connected to string with one of the access modes:
r/o | w/o | r/w
:socket hostname
Opens socket IO connection with one or more of these additional keywords and access modes:
r/w | server
domain (default AF_INET6)
port (default 1024)
type (default SOCK_STREAM)
:soft-port string
Opens soft port IO with one or more of these additional keywords and access modes:
r/o | w/o | r/w

( obj :key args -- str ) obj ( io -- str )
( obj :key args -- str ) obj ( -- str )
They open an IO object for input, read or execute obj and close the IO object. with-input-from-port points the input IO to *stdin*.

If the obj argument for the input words is nil, they read the entire IO object, otherwise they execute obj as a proc-or-xt. After reading is finished they close the IO object and return the resulting string.

lambda: <{ io -- str }>
        io io->string
; :filename "file.test" with-input-port
<'> io-readlines :command "ls -l" with-input-port
nil :string "hello" with-input-port
lambda: <{ -- str }>
        *stdin* io->string
; :filename "file.test" with-input-from-port
nil :command "ls -l" with-input-from-port
nil :string "hello" with-input-from-port

( obj :key args -- ) obj ( io -- )
( obj :key args -- ) obj ( -- )
( obj :key args -- ) obj ( -- )
They open an IO object for output, write or execute obj and close the IO object. with-output-to-port points the output IO to *stdout* and with-error-to-port points it to *stderr*.

If the obj argument for the output words is a string, they write the string to the IO object, if obj is an array, they write its contents to the IO object, otherwise they execute obj as a proc-or-xt. After writing is finished they close the IO object.

"hello" :filename "file.test" with-output-port
"file.test" readlines :command "cat" with-output-to-port
"" value s
lambda: <{ io -- }>
        io "hello" io-write
; :string s with-output-port
lambda: <{ -- }>
        \ all three do the same and put the string to *stdout*:
        \ *stdout* "hello" io-write
        \ #f "hello" port-write
        ." hello"
; :string s with-output-to-port
lambda: <{ -- }>
        *stderr* "hello" io-write
; :string s with-error-to-port

( prc -- )
Prints proc object prc to current output.
( "name" -- set-name|#f )
Parses name and searches for word set-name. Returns xt of set-name if found. See also set!, set-execute and set-xt. The following two lines do the same:
128 <'set> object-print-length execute
128 set-object-print-length
( -- )
Turns current colon definition in a proc object. Takes tokens up to closing ‘}>’ as local variables, ‘--’ starts a comment ignoring the rest to closing ‘}>’. In addition to other local variable words like { } and {{ }} this form handles two keywords, :key and :optional. Variable names are taken from keyword and optional names. This word can span over more than one lines but without empty lines or comments in between. If :key and :optional is used together, :key must come first. All keyword and optional variables must have default values. This word is immediate and compile only and can only be used in word definitions.
: optkey-test <{ a b c
  :key d 10 e 20 :optional f 30 g 40 -- ary }>
        #( a b c d e f g )
1 2 3  optkey-test ⇒ #( 1 2 3 10 20 30 40 )
:d 11  1  :e 22  2 3  4  optkey-test ⇒ #( 1 2 3 11 22  4 40 )
( -- )
Turns current colon definition in a proc object. This word is immediate and compile only and can only be used in word definitions.
: we-dont-need-args <{}> ;
<'> we-dont-need-args proc? ⇒ #t
( "name" -- f )
Returns #t if name is defined in the dictionary.
defined?  10 ⇒ #f
defined? nil ⇒ #t
defined?   + ⇒ #t
( <ccc>" -- )
Adds input buffer up to next double quote character ‘"’ to the documentation of current word. Escape double quote character with backslash if required in documentation. It is not necessary to repeat the stack effect if it already exists in the word definition. This word is immediate and compile only and can only be used in word definitions.
: new-word ( -- )
        doc" our documentation may contain \
\"double quotes\".
Escape them with a backslash."
        \ we do nothing
help new-word ⇒ new-word  ( -- )  our documentation may
contain "double quotes".
Escape them with a backslash.
( obj -- str )
Returns documentation string of obj (Forth word, object or topic) or #f.
( obj str -- )
Sets documentation of any obj (Forth word, object or topic) to str.
( -- name )
Returns name of current xt in word definition as string. This word is immediate and compile only and can only be used in word definitions.
: new-word
        get-func-name .$
new-word ⇒ new-word 10
( req def -- val )
Returns either default value def or a value found on stack. req is the sum of required and following optional arguments. It simulates the :optional keyword in Lisp/Scheme.
: optarg-test ( a b c=33 d=44 e=55 -- ary )
        4 55 get-optarg { e }
        3 44 get-optarg { d }
        2 33 get-optarg { c }
        { a b }
        #( a b c d e )
1 2 optarg-test ⇒ #( 1 2 33 44 55 )
1 2 3 4 optarg-test ⇒ #( 1 2  3  4 55 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 optarg-test ⇒ 1 2 #( 3 4  5  6  7 )
( lst req -- vals )
The plural form of get-optarg. args is an array with default values, req is the number of required arguments. Returns req + args length values on stack, either default ones or from stack.
: optargs-test ( a b c=33 d=44 e=55 -- ary )
        #( 33 44 55 ) 2 get-optargs { a b c d e }
        #( a b c d e )
1 2 optargs-test ⇒ #( 1 2 33 44 55 )
1 2 3 4 optargs-test ⇒ #( 1 2  3  4 55 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 optargs-test ⇒ 1 2 #( 3 4  5  6  7 )
( key def -- val )
Returns either default value def or a value found on stack specified by keyword key. It simulates the :key keyword in Lisp/Scheme.
: optkey-test ( start dur keyword-args -- ary )
        :frequency 440.0 get-optkey { freq }
        :initial-phase pi get-optkey { phase }
        { start dur }
        #( start dur freq phase )
0 1 optkey-test ⇒ #( 0.0 1.0 440.0 3.14159 )
0 2 :frequency 330.0 optkey-test ⇒ #( 0.0 2.0 330.0 3.14159 )
( ary req -- vals )
The plural form of get-optkey. ary is an array of key-value pairs, req is the number of required arguments. Returns req + ary length / 2 values on stack, either default ones or from stack.
: optkeys-test ( start dur keyword-args -- ary )
        #( :frequency 440.0
           :initial-phase pi )
            2 get-optkeys { start dur freq phase }
        #( start dur freq phase )
0 1 optkeys-test ⇒ #( 0.0 1.0 440.0 3.14159 )
0 2 :frequency 330.0 optkeys-test ⇒ #( 0.0 2.0 330.0 3.14159 )
( "name" -- )
Returns documentation of name (Forth word or topic) or "no documentation available".
help make-array \ Forth word
help array      \ topic
( obj str -- )
Appends str to documentation of obj (Forth word, object or topic).
( obj -- str )
Returns documentation of obj (Forth word, object or topic) or "no documentation available".
( obj str -- )
Sets documentation of obj (Forth word, object or topic) to str.
#( "behemoth" "pumpkin" "mugli" ) value hosts
hosts "local-net hostnames" help-set!
hosts help-ref ⇒ "local-net hostnames"
( -- xt )
Starts nameless word definition and sets variable latestxt to xt. Stack-effect or normal comments immediately at the beginning will be used as documentation. Returns xt (after the closing semicolon ‘;’).
lambda: ( a b -- c ) + ; value plus
plus help-ref ⇒ lambda:  ( a b -- c )
1 2 plus execute ⇒ 3
1 2 lambda: ( a b -- c ) * ; execute ⇒ 2
( -- xt )
Returns latest defined xt.
( -- vars )
Returns a hash of local variable name-value pairs up to the location in the definition. This word is immediate and compile only and can only be used in word definitions.
: word-with-locals { foo -- }
        10 { bar }
        local-variables each
                .$ space
20 word-with-locals ⇒ #{ "bar" => 10  "foo" => 20 }
( xt arity -- prc )
Returns new proc object. arity can be an integer or an array of length 3, #( req opt rest ).
<'> +  2  make-proc ⇒ +
lambda: ( a b -- c )
; #( 2 0 #f ) make-proc ⇒ lambda-009
( prc -- xt )
Returns the actual word (the execution token xt) of prc.
( prc args -- res ) alias: run-proc
Executes proc object prc with arguments args and returns result or #f. args can be an array of arguments or a single argument. If execution fails, raises eval-error exception, if length of args is less than the required arity of prc, raises bad-arity exception.
<'> +  2  make-proc value plus
plus #( 5 6 ) proc-apply ⇒ 11
( prc -- arity )
Returns arity array #( req opt rest ) of proc object prc, or #f if not a proc object.
( arity -- prc )
Returns nameless proc object with arity. Like create it goes with does>.
: input-fn ( gen -- proc; dir self -- r )
        { gen }
        1 proc-create   \ returns proc with one argument
        gen ,           \ stores gen for later use in DOES
  does> { dir self -- r  } \ dir (ignored here) self (address)
        self @          \ returns our gen
        readin          \ returns readin value
instrument: src-simp <{ start dur amp sr sr-env fname -- }>
        :file fname find-file make-readin { f }
        :input  f INPUT-FN  :srate sr   make-src { sc }
        :envelope sr-env  :duration dur make-env { en }
        start dur run
                i sc en env #f src amp f* *output* outa drop
        f mus-close drop
0 1.5 0.5 0.2 #( 0 0 50 1 100 0 ) "fyow.snd"
    <'> src-simp with-sound
( prc -- name )
Returns name of proc object prc if found.
( proc-or-xt -- str )
Returns source string of proc-or-xt, or #f if not available.
( prc str -- )
Sets source string of prc to str.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a proc object.
( -- xt )
Returns current xt in word definition. This word is immediate and compile only and can only be used in word definitions.
: new-word
        running-word xt->name .$
; new-word ⇒ new-word 10
( "name" -- )
Shows word definition of name.
( "name" -- )
Parses name and executes word set-name if found, otherwise raises undefined-word exception. The following two lines do the same:
128 set! object-print-length
128 set-object-print-length
( xt -- ?? )
Executes set-xt if found, otherwise raises undefined-word exception. The following two lines do the same:
128 <'> object-print-length set-execute
128 set-object-print-length
( xt1 -- xt2 )
Returns set-xt if found. The following two lines do the same:
128 <'> object-print-length set-xt execute
128 set-object-print-length
( xt -- file )
Returns source file where xt was created or #f if xt is a C-primitive or not defined.
( xt -- line )
Returns source line number where xt was created or #f if xt is a C-primitive or not defined.
( obj -- str )
Returns source string of obj, a proc or xt, or #f if not found.
( obj str -- )
Sets source string of obj, a proc or xt, to str.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a proc object with arity #( 0 0 #f ).
( var proc-or-xt -- )
Installs a hook on the specified global variable and adds proc-or-xt with stack effect ( val -- res ). The hook will be executed after every variable set via to.
mus-array-print-length ⇒ 8
8 value *clm-array-print-length*
<'> *clm-array-print-length* lambda: <{ val -- res }>
        val set-mus-array-print-length
; trace-var
24 to *clm-array-print-length*
*clm-array-print-length* ⇒ 24
mus-array-print-length ⇒ 24
<'> *clm-array-print-length* untrace-var
( var -- )
Removes previously installed hook from var.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a proc object or an xt (execution token, address of a Ficl word).
( name -- )
Creates word name in dictionary with does>-part as body.
: make-setter ( name -- ; hs val self -- )
        { name }
        name "!" $+ word-create
        name ,
  does> { hs val self -- }
        hs self @ ( slot ) val hash-set!
"user-time" make-setter ⇒ creates setter word 'user-time!'
#{} value hs
hs 3.2 user-time!
hs ⇒ #{ "user-time" => 3.2 }
( xt -- str )
Returns name of xt if found.
( xt -- str )
Returns name, source file and source line number where xt was defined as string (name:file:line). If xt is a C-primitive, returns (name:primitive), if not defined, returns an empty string.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an xt (execution token, address of a Ficl word).

General help for regexp can be found in regex(3) and re_format(7). For all matching words below, matched results or #f are stored in the regexp object reg. The last match results are also stored in the read-only variables *re* and *re0* to *re9*.
This is the cflag option of regcomp(3), default REG_EXTENDED. The variable can be set with the following predefined constants, if more than one are used, combine them with or:

For example, set matching to ignore case before creating a new regexp:

REG_EXTENDED REG_ICASE or  to *re-syntax-options*
This is the eflag option of regexec(3). The variable can be set with the following predefined constants, if more than one are used, combine them with or:

No default is set.

( <ccc>/ -- reg )
The prefix character ‘/’ starts a regular expression object delimited by a second ‘/’.
/(B|b)+/ ⇒ /(B|b)+/
( str -- reg )
Returns a new regexp object from str which may contain regular expressions.
"(B|b)+" make-regexp value reg
( reg str start -- n )
Searches reg in str from start and returns first match's length or -1 for no match found.
/b+/ "aabaab" 0 re-match ⇒ 1
/b+/ "aabaac" 3 re-match ⇒ -1
( reg str start range -- n )
Searches reg in str from start for range characters and returns first match's position or -1 for no match found.
/b+/ "aabaab" 2 1 re-search ⇒ 2
/b+/ "aabaab" 0 1 re-search ⇒ -1
( space<ccc>/ -- reg )
Parses regexp ccc delimited by ‘/’ at compile time and returns it at interpret time. See / for an alternative.
re/ (B|b)+/ ⇒ /(B|b)+/
( reg str -- len|#f ) aliases regexp= re=
Searches reg in str and returns first match's length or #f for no match found.
/.*(bar)/ value reg
reg "foobar" regexp-match ⇒ 6
reg 0 apply ⇒ foobar
reg 1 apply ⇒ bar
reg 2 apply ⇒ #f
( reg str1 replace -- str2 )
Replaces first occurrence of reg in str1 with replace if found. References \1 to \9 in replace will be replaced by corresponding subexpressions. If there are no corresponding subexpressions, raises regexp-error exception.
/(foo)/ "foo-bar" "***\\1***" regexp-replace
  ⇒ ***foo***-bar

Note the double backslashes on back reference characters.

( reg str :key start 0 range -1 -- pos|#f )
Searches reg in str from start for range characters and returns first match's position or #f for no match found. If position is zero, returns #t to fool Forth' if. If keyword range is -1 (default), the entire string will be searched.
/foo/ "foobar" :start 0 :range 6 regexp-search ⇒ #t (pos 0)
/(bar)/ value reg
reg "foobar" :start 0 :range 2 regexp-search ⇒ #f
reg "foobar" :start 3 :range 2 regexp-search ⇒ 3
reg 0 apply ⇒ bar
reg 1 apply ⇒ bar
reg 2 apply ⇒ #f
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a regexp object.
/^$/ regexp? ⇒ #t

Print Words

( obj -- ) aliases: .$ .g
( obj -- )
They print string representation of obj to Ficl output or Ficl error output.

( str -- ) alias: warn
( str -- )
( str -- )
( fmt :optional args -- )
( fmt :optional args -- )
( fmt :optional args -- )
They print fmt string with corresponding args array to current Ficl error output wrapped either in #<warning: ...> or in #<error: ...> and throw error-exit exception or in #<die: ...> and exit interpreter with return code 1 (EXIT_FAILURE); args is optional. See string-format for fmt description.

( fmt :optional args -- str  )
Returns string object from fmt string and args array containing corresponding arguments; args is optional. See string-format for fmt description.

( fmt :optional args -- )
Prints fmt string with corresponding args array to Ficl output; args is optional. See string-format for fmt description.

( obj -- )
( obj -- )
( obj -- )
( fmt :optional args -- )
( fmt :optional args -- )
( fmt :optional args -- )
They print the string representation of obj or a string built from fmt and optional array args to standard output (FILE *stdout) or standard error (FILE *stderr); .debug and fth-debug wrap output in #<DEBUG(F): ...>. Ficl output and standard output may differ as well as Ficl error output and standard error. These words print to standard output and standard error.

String Create Words

( <ccc>" -- str )
The prefix character ‘"’ starts a string object delimited by a second ‘"’.
"pumpkin" ⇒ "pumpkin"

( -- str )
Returns an empty string object ("").

( space<ccc>" -- str )
Parses string ccc delimited by ‘"’ at compile time and returns it at interpret time. See " for an alternative.
$" pumpkin" ⇒ "pumpkin"

( addr len -- str )
( str -- addr len )
They convert between Forth strings and Fth string objects. Standard words like type and evaluate require this kind of string.

( -- str )
( -- str )
( n -- str )
They return the string representations of a carriage return, a single or n spaces.

( len :key initial-element ' ' -- str )
Returns a new string of length len filled with initial-element characters, default space. Raises out-of-range exception if len < 0.
3 :initial-element <char> x make-string ⇒ "xxx"

( fmt args -- ) alias format
fmt is a printf(3) format string and args the required arguments which may be an array, a single argument or #f.
"%04d %8.2f %b %X %o"  #( 128 pi 255 255 255 ) string-format
  ⇒ "0128     3.14 11111111 FF 377"

The format string can have zero or more of the following flags:

The value will be converted to an alternate form. For b, B, o and O conversion, adds a zero before the output, for x and X conversion, adds a ‘0x’ respective ‘0X’ before the output. For a, A, e, E, f, F, g and G conversion, the result will always have a decimal point.
Flushes output left.
Padding with ‘0’ (zero) rather than blank.

The following conversion specifiers are known:

A ‘%’ is written.
Floating point output like printf(3).
Single character output.
Integer output in binary, decimal, octal, unsigned and hexadecimal form.
Inspect string output of any Fth object with object-inspect.
String representation of any Fth object with object->string.
Dump string output of any Fth object with object-dump.

General String Words

( obj -- )
Returns #t if obj is a character.
( str -- ary )
Converts str to an array of characters.
"foo" string->array ⇒ #( 102 111 111 )
( str1 str2 -- str3 ) alias: $+
Returns new string str1 + str2.
( str1 -- str2 ) string-capitalize!
Returns changed or new string object with first character capitalized and remaining characters changed to lowercase. string-capitalize! changes the original string contents.
( str1 -- str2 ) string-chomp!
Returns changed or new string object with possible trailing ‘\n’ removed. string-chomp! changes the original string contents.
( objs len -- str ) alias: >string
Returns new string with len objects from stack converted to their string representation.
0 1 2 " foo " "b" "a" "r"  7 >string
  ⇒ "012 foo bar"
( str1 -- str2 )
Returns copy of str1.
( str idx -- val )
Deletes and returns character at position idx from str; negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if index is not in range of string.
( str1 -- str2 ) string-downcase!
Returns changed or new string object with all characters changed to lowercase. string-downcase! changes the original string contents.
( str -- ?? )
Evaluates str; values already on stack can be accessed, resulting values remain on stack.
7 "3 4 + +" string-eval ⇒ 14
( str -- ?? status )
Evaluates str and returns eval-status on top of stack; values already on stack can be accessed, resulting values remain on stack. Eval-status can be one of the following constants:

Ficl Break
Ficl Error Exit
Ficl Inner Exit
Ficl Out of Text
Ficl Restart
Ficl User Exit
( str char -- str' )
Fills str with char and returns changed string object.
( str1 key -- str2|#f )
Returns match if string or regexp key exists in str.
"hello world" "l" string-find ⇒ "llo world"
"hello world" /ell/ string-find ⇒ "ello world"
( str key -- idx )
Returns index of string key in str or -1 if not found.
"hello world" "orl" string-index ⇒ 7
( str idx val -- str' )
Inserts string representation of val to str at position idx; negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if index is not in range of string.
( str -- len )
If str is a string object, returns its length, otherwise -1.
( str key -- f )
Returns #t if string or regexp key exists in str.
"hello world" "ell" string-member? ⇒ #t
"hello world" /ell/ string-member? ⇒ #t
( str -- char )
Removes and returns last character. If str is empty, returns #f.
( str val -- str' ) alias: <<
Appends string representation of val to str and returns changed string object.
( str idx -- val )
Returns character at position idx; negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if index is not in range of string.
( str1 from to -- str2 ) string-replace!
Returns changed or new string object with string from replaced by string to. If to is the empty string, deletes the from part from str1. string-replace! changes the original string contents.
( str1-- str2 ) string-reverse!
Returns changed or new string object reversed. string-reverse! changes the original string contents.
( str idx val -- )
Stores character char at index idx; negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if index is not in range of string.
( str -- char )
Removes and returns first character. If str is empty, returns #f.
( str sep -- ary )
Splits str using sep as delimiter and returns result as array of strings. If sep is not a string or regexp, delimiter is space.
"foo:bar:baz" ":" string-split
  ⇒ #( "foo" "bar" "baz" )
"foo:bar:baz" "/:/" string-split
  ⇒ #( "foo" "bar" "baz" )
( str1 start end -- str2 )
Returns new string from position start to, but excluding, position end. If end is not an integer, end will be set to length of str1; negative index counts from backward. Raises out-of-range exception if start is not in range of string.
"hello world" 2 4 string-substring ⇒ "ll"
"hello world" -4 -2 string-substring ⇒ "or"
"hello world" -4 nil string-substring ⇒ "orld"
( str val -- str' )
Adds string representation of val in front of str and returns changed string object.
( str1 -- str2 ) string-upcase!
Returns changed or new string object with all characters changed to uppercase. string-upcase! changes the original string contents.
( str1 str2 -- n )
Returns -1 if str1 is less than str2, 1 if str1 is greater than str2, or 0 if str1 is equal to str2. It may be used with sort word.
( str1 str2 -- f )
Returns #t if str1 is lexicographically lesser than str2.
( str1 str2 -- f )
Returns #t if strings are not equal.
( str1 str2 -- f )
Returns #t if strings are equal.
( str1 str2 -- f )
Returns #t if str1 is lexicographically greater than str2.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a string object.

Symbols are actually values (variables) named 'name.
( sym -- )
Prints symbol sym to current output.
( "name" -- )
Creates symbol name with ‘'’ in front.
create-symbol new-symbol ⇒ creates symbol 'new-symbol
( name -- sym )
Creates and returns the new symbol name with ‘'’ in front.
"new-symbol" make-symbol ⇒ 'new-symbol
( sym -- str )
Returns the name of symbol sym as string.
'new-symbol symbol-name ⇒ "new-symbol"
( obj1 obj2 -- f )
Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are symbols with identical names.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a symbol.

Keywords are actually values (variables) named :name.
( kw -- )
Prints keyword kw to current output.
( "name" -- )
Creates keyword name with ‘:’ in front.
create-keyword new-keyword ⇒ creates keyword :new-keyword
( kw -- name )
Returns the name of keyword kw as string.
:new-keyword keyword-name ⇒ "new-keyword"
( obj1 obj2 -- f )
Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are keywords with identical names.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is a keyword.
( name -- kw )
Creates and returns the new keyword name with ‘:’ in front.
"new-keyword" make-keyword ⇒ :new-keyword

( ex -- )
Prints exception ex to current output.
( msg "name" -- )
Creates exception named name with message msg; msg may be #f. The exception has a symbol name, that means it has the prefix ‘'’ before name.
"New test exception" create-exception new-exception
  ⇒ creates 'new-exception
( ex -- msg )
Returns last message of exception ex. The last message was set after an exception was thrown with for example fth-throw or fth-raise.
( ex msg -- )
Sets msg, a string or #f, as the last message of exception ex. This will be set automatically after an exception was thrown with for example fth-throw or fth-raise.
( ex -- msg )
Returns the message of exception ex.
( ex msg -- )
Sets msg, a string or #f, to exception ex.
( ex -- name )
Returns the name of exception ex as string.
'new-exception exception-name ⇒ "new-exception"
( obj1 obj2 -- f )
Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are exceptions with identical names.
( obj -- f )
Returns #t if obj is an exception.
( name msg -- ex )
Creates and returns the new exception named name with message msg; msg may be #f. The exception has a symbol name, that means it has the prefix ‘'’ before name.
"New test exception" create-exception new-exception
  ⇒ creates 'new-exception
( sym -- ex )
Returns symbol sym as exception object.

fth reads the following global environment variables:
Overwrites default dictionary size (1024 * 1024).
Overwrites default number of locals (2048).
Overwrites default size of return stack (1024).
Overwrites default size of parameter stack (8192).
A colon separated list of paths pointing to Forth script files. These paths will be added in front of *load-path*.
Overwrites default history filename ~/.fth-history.
Overwrites default history file length (100).
Overwrites default initialization filename ~/.fthrc.
A colon separated list of paths pointing to C extension libraries. These paths will be added in front of *load-lib-path*.
This variable can be set to a pathname of a shell. fth_popen() as well as exec, if cmd is a string, use this shell for execution of shell commands. If not defined, fth_popen() falls back to /bin/sh, and exec, if cmd is a string, falls back to SHELL or, if not set, /bin/sh.

Furthermore, fth checks the following shell variables:


fth uses a global and a local initialization file and a history file.
Global initialization file for system wide configuration.
Local initialization file for user configuration. The name can be changed with environment variable FTH_INIT_FILE.
Local history file. The name can be changed with environment variable FTH_HISTORY.

The fth utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Some examples of typical usage of the fth interpreter:

Prints 32 Fahrenheit as Celsius (0.0):

% fth -e "32 f2c . cr"

The following loads the C extension library libxm.so with its initialization function Init_libxm() and the Forth source file motif-script.fs, executes word main and exits:

% fth -S "libxm Init_libxm" -e "main" motif-script.fs

Adds path ~/share/forth in front of *load-path*, loads Forth source file sound-script.fs and starts the repl. Initialization files ${prefix}/etc/fthrc and ~/.fthrc are loaded if they exist:

% fth -I ~/share/forth sound-script.fs

Prints compiler and linker flags for CFLAGS and LIBS:

% fth -e .cflags
% fth -e .libs
% fth -e "config-cflags .g space config-libs .g cr"

Runs Forth script check.fth and provides option -a and option -b with argument 10 to the script which should handle at least these two; exits if finished:

% fth -s check.fth -ab 10

If the first line in check.fth is

#! /usr/pkg/bin/fth -s
and the script is made executable
chmod 0755 check.fth
the call above could be shortened to:

% ./check.fth -ab 10

Prints name (column 1) and login time (column 5) from the who(1) command output:

who | fth -ane '.*1* .*5* cr'

The same with output field separator set to " == ":

who | fth -ane '" == " to *ofs* .*1* .*5* cr'

Print login names and their uids found in /etc/passwd:

cat /etc/passwd | fth -aF: -e '"%5s %s\n" #( *3* *1* ) fth-print'

If the only option is a dash ‘-’, fth reads from standard input and prints the result to standard output. The following examples print the same result (~26.7):

% echo "80 f2c" | tee foo | fth -
% cat foo | fth -
% fth - < foo
% fth -
80 f2c <enter>

csh(1), emacs(1), pwd(1), snd(1), tcsh(1), vi(1), who(1), accept(2), bind(2), chdir(2), chmod(2), chroot(2), close(2), connect(2), dup2(2), _exit(2), fork(2), getpeername(2), getrusage(2), getsid(2), getsockname(2), ioctl(2), listen(2), mkdir(2), mkfifo(2), recv(2), recvfrom(2), rename(2), rmdir(2), select(2), send(2), sendto(2), setsid(2), shutdown(2), socket(2), socketpair(2), symlink(2), truncate(2), umask(2), unlink(2), wait(2), waitpid(2), closelog(3), exec(3), fegetround(3), fenv(3), fesetround(3), fopen(3), freopen(3), getcwd(3), gethostbyaddr(3), gethostbyname(3), gethostbyname2(3), getopt(3), getservbyname(3), getservbyport(3), gl_get_line(3), gl_prompt_style(3), libfth(3), mkstemp(3), openlog(3), popen(3), printf(3), realpath(3), regcomp(3), regex(3), regexec(3), strerror(3), strftime(3), strsignal(3), syslog(3), time(3), tmpfile(3), re_format(7), tecla(7).

W. Richard Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1990.

This manual page describes fth version 1.4.2. fth is based on Ficl, Forth-inspired command language, version 4.0.31 written by John Sadler.

fth and this manual page were written by Michael Scholz ⟨mi-scholz@users.sourceforge.net⟩.

Please report bugs to the author.
2022/09/29 NetBSD 9.99.100